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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. AVP2 : Requeim

    Resident Evil : Extinction

    This is what happens when your Lovefilm says you need films in your queue and your mind goes blank. Oh well... I can probably get to the controls before they send me Jumper.

    Resident Evil isn't that terrible actually, just boring as fuck in the second half, but that one has a lot of Milla Jovovich in it:up:

  2. I'm on the bottom floor of a flat so not really a great view across the rooftops tbh. Is it still worth trying that aerial out?

    Ah, who can say... it's proven better than any indoor aerial I've ever used so it might improve your situation somewhat. Maybe. They might take it back if it looks unopened.

  3. I was totally opposed to the American version until the revelation that Michael subscribes to American Way in-flight magazine! I still think the episodes are too short but that's because it's an NBC show and American network TV sucks for that.

  4. I did my myspace search...I did like the tunes, and I thought "if Stu Likes those, he might like VARIOUS PRODUCTION" (a stupid name for a band if you ever did hear one...)

    VARIOUS PRODUCTION, The World Is Gone - Boomkat

    I do like this, especially the vocals on Hater. It's more definitely dubstep though, eh? I have no idea what this other music is but it's ace and I'm so glad I've found quiet music I can dig on so as to save the rest of my hearing!

  5. I really love Fallout 3 so far. Maybe I'm just a pussy, but I find the whole experience extremely tense, and there's something unenjoyable about baseball-batting the doggies.

    I find it hard to be cool when I'm beating a dangerous dog with a bludgeon.

    That's why I prefer to employ mad crazy gatz and cap 'em in tha caninium.:up:

  6. I opted for the PC version as I have a fairly high-end machine with twin graphics cards (cheaper too!) and I prefer mouse+keyboard for FPS game..

    Y'know, I just built a PC with one of those new ATI GPU cards and I was kind of sucking my teeth over whether I should buy it for Xbox360 or PC, but I went for the Xbox360 version in the end. I was convinced by just how well Mass Effect worked out on Xbox and I figured they'd have made it primarily for that platform.

    And I knead moar achievement!!!!11

  7. I caught Saw on telly a couple of weeks back. Very disturbing and ingenious.

    Tonight, I watched Children of Men which was fantastic. I also hired vol 1 of Yukikaze, this weekend, which is a TV anime, but the quality is up there with cinema. Think Top Gun meets Ghost In The Shell. Stunning animation, I just wish it was widescreen.

  8. cool, im really thinking about getting this now, do you not notice that they've just put out a load of games recently, i can't afford them all!

    Zavvi have it for 35. I don't know if that's the cheapest high street deal but avforums is a good board to check for bargains and offers. Yeah, the pre-christmas releases are really coming in now. Difficult to choose, but I really don't have time to play them all, even if I could afford them!

  9. It really is fantastic. The combat system is a little perplexing but I'm glad they kept elements of the turn-based original. Blowing Raider's heads off is very, very satisfying. I seem to have lost an awful lot of karma in an afternoon's play. :devil:

  10. Once you've experienced the joys of Braindead, be sure to check out Bad Taste, which is absolutely fucking terrible and brilliant at the same time. Peter Jackson made it on something like a $4,000 budget.

  11. Have you seen Threads? That scared the piss out of me. Saving Private Ryan was also quite scary.

    I don't find horror movies scary at all. However, I did find Saw pretty disturbing, which is about as close to scary as any horror has gotten for a long time for me.

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