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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. Is it just me or is this literally the most eyewatering game on the 360? I'm not sure if it's the torchlit nooks and crannies or just a need to not be blinking but I was crying like a bairn most of this evening's session.

    Totally worth it as well!

  2. A massive next, odeon and a nandos apparently.

    Cheers! Hmmm, but these seem to be things we will need less of in future, unfortunately. I was also under the impression that there's a big Next going up where the old Union dance club used to be.

    It's mad. I know Aberdeen is wealthy and all but how are the chains going to survive? Half of Union Street could be in danger of being boarded up.

  3. A friends just gave me the first series of this ITV2 comedy.

    As far as I can tell, it seems to be a pisstake of Heroes, which I don't watch, but the first two seemed pretty funny. And It's actually quite dirty!

  4. It should also be noted that Ian Mackaye, that coined the term, thinks that most militant straight edge folk completely missed the point and are complete wankers.

    IMO, this is why musicians should just not get involved in politics. Whatever statements you make or stances you take just get twisted into some freaky fashion statement and give a bunch of tools justification for being tools.

  5. Flashback was amazing in its day and to my mind still is pretty damn good.

    I actually have an original copy of that, on floppy disk as well! Pity I don't currently have a floppy disk drive but I'm sure I could bump it off the intrawebs if I ever feel like a shot.

    Classic game though. Caused a lot of swearing, if I recall, but I still kept coming back for more!

  6. I feel like I've gotten a bit bored and directionless with my playing now. I suppose that's the drawback of open-ended games. I find I forget where I'm at in sidequests and picking them up again can be a bit confusing.

    But Deathclaws are shit-your-pants scary and figuring out how to kill them without serious amounts of explosives or mininukes may keep me going!

  7. I just got X-Com : UFO Defense (AKA UFO: Enemy Unknown) for $5 from Steam. I've always wanted to finish this game but you need massive amounts of patience with it, due to the fairly epic turnbased battles later in the game.

    Thinking about picking up Fallout 1 as well. Anyone else fond of the older games or do they just seem like a massive disappointment when your nostalgic bubble pops?

  8. :angel:

    I dunno.. so far nobody has said anything that could be taken as slander. It's a link to an article on the evening express site.

    Isn't that how the historic thread started, though?

    I may be wrong but it's lunchtime and these are the internets.

  9. Anyone who thinks this recession isn't going to affect them should listen to Peter Schiff.

    YouTube - Peter Schiff Analogies

    I love the analogy about the American on the island with all the Asian dudes doing the work while he just sits around consuming their produce. I've been following what he has to say avidly and this complilation video of his prior predictions is must-see:

    YouTube - Peter Schiff Was Right 2006 - 2007 (2nd Edition)

    Look at all these idiots ridiculing him when he's calling it bang on!

  10. This recession is nothing whatsoever like the great depression, in terms of results anyway.

    We haven't seen the results yet. The boom in the housing market that's now gone bust is pretty similar to the credit binge we had in the roaring 20s and while I don't have a crystal ball I'm fairly convinced that we're going to see a very sharp contraction in our economy that will probably last a decade.

    Ask yourself what exactly it is that we do in the world to deserve all this easy credit and consumption while the Chinese work their fingers to the bone, scrimping and saving to provide it for us. How long do you think it'll take them to figure out that they don't need us?

  11. Complete opposite??? Surely that's a little bit of an exageration.

    Well, we're maybe not there yet, and I think the British government will likely default before they turn us into a full blown command economy but it's already happening. They nationalised the Rock and said they wouldn't interfere in its running. 'Arm's length' is a phrase I recall hearing. Then they started pressuring them to start lending at 2007 rates. That's price fixing. It's socialism.

    Not the good kind either but the crap sort that makes everybody fucking poor unless your uncle happens to be a party member ;)

  12. As in capitalism is all about making the most money, which in turn makes people greedy.

    That only becomes a problem when you bail out the greedy who engaged in risky investments and lost. It's called moral hazard. If greedy fuckers get their fingers burned then they learn not to do it again and quite possibly won't have the opportunity to! However, what we have instead taught them is that we tax payers will bail out their greedy risk taking again and again.

  13. I really hope you are joking with that comment.

    You can't seriously think that GB coming into power has caused the recession? This has been building up for a long time, mainly due to the greedy idealism of capitalism. It's bound to happen eventually, but I lay blame to the Americans mostly. Bastards.

    What 'greedy idealism of capitalism' are you talking about? Capitalism is merely the most efficient system known for determining the value of things. The ideal of capitalism is a free market with no intervention by government which is the complete opposite of what we have right now!

    The biggest joke is that GB has a PhD in history!!! Evidently this didn't cover The Great Depression...

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