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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. Yeah, know what you mean but don't think it does at all. Really like the western feel it has. What you will find is disappointment when there are no more. There is the movie, but its just not enough and some of the characters that are killed off... well it's disappointing.

    I think my perception of this series is based on being made to watch the movie by a Firefly nut and being confused and annoyed by it, so I'm glad to hear the series is a lot better.

    It does have a great western feel and I love how the government are the enemy for a change in a sci-fi series. It's kind of the antithesis to Star-Trek in that regard.

  2. I'm not a very good score whore. I think about 2/3rds of Resident Evil 5's achievements is the best I've done. I got 50% of Space Giraffe's before I started going crazy.

    The ones I wouldn't mind the satisfaction of completing completely would be Mass Effect and Fallout 3. Getting all the achievements on an RPG is probably easier than a shooter if you use the wikis.

  3. They need to do something though don't they? According to the records of the DWP, there is one shit tonne of "depressed" people.

    The problem there is letting people sign on the sick for that reason. You'd have to be pretty fucked before you're completely incapable of work. Anyway, I don't think this phone-screening business would be of much help there. I was just getting asked stuff about bank accounts, mortgage/rent, persons living there. That sort of thing.

    I'm trying to find the article about the guy who got caught claiming for about a dozen kids. They should hire him as a consultant.

  4. Yes and I blame heavy instant messenger use in the early '00s, where I seem to have picked up many bad spellings from other people. At least that's my story and I'm sticking with it. Fortunately, automatic spell-checking in browsers masks my terrible affliction most of the time on-line.

    I don't even want to consider the state of my handwriting which is probably worse than the smartest non-human primate's at this point. I can't even read it...

  5. Purnells Lie Detector - Following the Money | Ministry of Truth

    I just had my telephone interview for claiming council tax benefit. The lady who called me went through what I thought was a standard preamble about data protection, but mentioned that the recording would be 'analyzed' which I thought was weird. So, I did some googling and apparently they're running voice-stress analysis on claimants!

    Not that I'm ripping off the council, of course. I'm just worried that my naturally shifty demeanour might trigger a flag with the software.

    And it's fucking creepy...

  6. I think the car scrapping thing buggers me up!

    My car is 6 months shy of being 10 years old during the 2000 scrapping bonus. So does that make it worth less now?

    I.e if I had an H reg fiesta that was worth five quid, it would now be worth 1000 to the garage and 1000 to the government so long as I bought a new car.

    But I've got a golf which is said to be worth 1300. But would a garage offer that now knowing that they have to cover cars like the fiesta example?

    Look at it this way. If everyone is scrapping their 10 yr old cars then there will eventually be less on the market, so that may support the resale price. I don't think a majority of sane people want to go further into debt at this point and may just want a good runner to get around in.

  7. I saw The Spirit, which wasn't anywhere as good as Sin City. Still, it was delicious eye candy.

    I also saw Transformers, in all it's 1080p glory! That's a double sugar-dipped turd, and I still have the nutty after taste.

    I need more roughage in my film diet.

  8. But you haven't been to the pelican (or Origin as it's now known),since it changed hands and was revamped...

    Tell me what's radically changed and I'll stand corrected, but all I recall is it being either freezing cold or burning hot, depending on the head count, and waking up with shredded lungs the next day 'cos they seemed to think that heavy use of petrochemical smoke machines in an enclosed space was a good idea.

  9. So I'm guessing snafu winning Scottish nightclub of the year twice in a row went right over your head then? Fending off competition from huge capacity venues like The Arches...

    How can you possibly comment on the state of venues when you freely admit you haven't been clubbing "since you was a young lad"?

    Well, I don't think I said that at all. I'm saying I don't fancy Jungle Nation at that particular venue, since I've been to nicer warehouses. If Jungle Nation was at Snafu I might go.

  10. I'm really liking this. It has all kinds of music I like that I didn't expect to find. The browser is lovely, very clean cut and snappy. The adverts don't even seem to play if you're just browsing around and they are very unintrusive when you just let the music play. I've gotta wonder if they're gonna make enough money out of this though...

    Just a pity it's firewalled at my work :swearing:

    *Oooh, the artist info is dope too. I just found out Hexstatic are Coldcut!

  11. So, our intrepid Austrian reporter apparently lures former presidential candidate Ron Paul into a cozy backroom encounter and the good doctor has to flee the scene in a hurry.

    See, you really DO need to watch Borat or you are in serious danger ever day of your celebrity existence...

  12. I never got why there was stuff like battered mars bars/black puddings and munchy boxes in there. Obviously they aren't exactly healthy food but come on, they aren't rediculous combos like the cake sandwich and that sort of crap that someone clearly invented for a laugh.

    I dunno, I'd take a cake sandwich over congealed pig's blood any day :up:

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