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Le Stu

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Posts posted by Le Stu

  1. Hoi Le Stu! Why don't you leave ME to tell people what I believe and STOP trying to misrepresent my views?

    Here are links to pages on my website wherein I give MY views on the universities -

    Health, wealth and good services

    I just don't see how this grand conspiracy against you prevents you from gaining any form of employment whatsoever. Not that I'm having a go at you for being on the sick or the dole 'cos I've been there myself but my basic point is that if you were independently wealthy you might get a bit of respect but being dependent on the political entity you claim you are vociferously campaigning against might just cause folks to think you're foolish and/or hypocritical.

    I personally believe you're some form of unclassifiable performance artist and I don't see why you can't gain private wealth when the living statue can. It's a cruel world.

  2. The UK state is not really a "British" state - it is anti-British for much the same reason as the UK is an anti-Scottish state. Imposing Queen Elizabeth hurts the British people the same way as it hurts the Scottish people.

    Sure if my fellow Scots insist that the officers of the UK state should be allowed to arrest, to torture, and to imprison me, prevent me from working doing the job I want to do, the least I expect is money to live off.

    I want the UK state dead and gone as soon as possible. Do you really think Le Stu that I am satisfied with only what the UK dole or sick benefit gives me? You think that is what I aspire to? Not at all.

    Of course a Scottish republican state in Scotland should provide social security to those who need social security.

    Ideally of course, a competent state would not prevent people from turning up to university to complete their studies and then go on to work in their chosen profession.

    Ideally a Scottish republican government would insist the universities were properly run and actually allow people a fair opportunity to be students instead of kicking them out of university like a dog whenever the management feel like it.

    Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website

    website - Peter Dow's Scottish National Standard Bearer website.

    The For Freedom Forums -

    Re-direct to For Freedom Forums

    Right, so you're mad at the unis and believe we're a socialist nation with entitlements to degrees. Nope. Not true at all. We're a capitalist nation with a soft heart. So we'll keep you on the go. And The Queen!

  3. I got refused an extension to my overdraft facilty having previously been offered five times what it currently is. But not really otherwise.

    It is propaganda in that they're presenting the credit crunch simplified as the actual root cause of our economic woes, not just a symptom, and scapegoating a bunch of rich bastards and slackers for borrowing/lending/scamming to the point where the whole credit rating system is completely fucked. Then they suggest your government must do something about it and polls show you're actually buying that load of horseshit.

    So yeah, basically.

  4. watched deathproof last night. not really convinced, and still wish i could have seen it in its original format as a double with the rodriguez flick. the format of the movie was pretty ridiculous with it basically being 2 seperate stories albiet similar in theme one after the other. furthermore, the kooky 'grindhouse' vibe with the tatty film quality, intentional jump cuts, misaligned dubbing etc was only really apparent in the first half, save for a 5 minute window with no colour in the 2nd part...just seemed like they got lazy and couldnt be fucked doing the fx for the second half.

    "OMG but tarantino totally wanted you to get annoyed by that and think that it was a lazy movie and that the flow of the movie was really weak and that he probably spent more time trying to reference his own earlier movies than actually working on this one" well i guess i was suckered.

    the dialogue was so typically tarantino that it became a bit predictable. snappy, sassy monologues that try hard to be 'quotable' like some of the lines from reservoir dogs, pulp fiction etc but just fail. the self referencing, even for a casual fan was pretty OTT, big kahuna burger, "don't blaspheme" etc. for any tarantino nerds, there were probably a million others that i missed.

    people have been slagging his formula off for a while but i would probably say that it was my least favourite movie that he has done, in the format that I saw it last night. the grindhouse idea was really most of its appeal, and seperating the two really didn't do tarantino's part much justice as a single feature length.

    I totally agree with you. I did see it in the original grindhouse format and Planet Terror and the shorts definitely carried it. I also made the huge mistake of attending a midnight showing after getting hella blunted outside the theatre first.

    I could barely stay awake.

  5. your last sentence indicates that your view of the world might be a little limited...

    feel free to engage in pontification & argument, but time will invariably prove you wrong. people in scotland who favour independence want to handle their own nations fate and have no interests in hand outs. our nation punches well above its weight in many respects and is very well placed to thrive without another nation managing our interests and resources...

    I actually favour independence myself but I still see far too much dependency, particularly in our most populace areas, for it to happen any time soon. However, I do agree with your basic point that we could, in theory, get by just fine without being part of the UK. It's true.

  6. The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich by William L. Shirer is one I read as a youth. I recall it being quite good, maybe a little propagandist, but it's unlikely you'll find unbiased material on the man, I think.

    Is there an actual requirement for me to state that I think he was a dick?

    Do let me know.

  7. Y'know, I was discussing this whole business in Archibald Simpsons being quite loud and drunk (oooh irony!!!) and I got these reactions:

    My friend doesn't think it's bad, would submit to it, even though he's a really infrequent pot user. Dumb dumb dumb.

    Girl in the booth in front of us turned around and gave us the Aberdeen 'pod people' stare.

    I'm definitely stopping drinking after the new year. It's not just because out legal system is stupid and hypocritical. It's mainly because, as a nation, we're majorly pished up bams and it needs to end IMO.

  8. Quantum of Shite.

    Where the fuck was Q?

    He wasn't in Casino Royale either. I don't know if they were planning on reintroducing him in future films but they may have fucked the franchise with this terrible film they just made.:swearing:

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