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Everything posted by lovers_spit

  1. actually, if i were to have a dance tent (which would be huge, like, fucking massive and red and white like a circus tent) Digitalism MSTRKRFT Justice Prodigy Soulwax Uffie Aphex Twin
  2. Yes. Why not say the same for The Smiths or every other band that has split. Unfortunately, sometimes these things just can't happen. Eugh. This has put a dampener on an otherwise great night for me.
  3. Was there not recently (last year or two) a documentary on this on tv? I'd be quite interested to hear all this.
  4. Yeah the point I was making was, I really dislike something you enjoy, but I don't think you are a moron because you are into different things.
  5. and whats the evidence then stripey? that im an idiot? because i like a tv show you dont?
  6. No, I enjoy them. And how can you say that? What makes me a mindless philistine? Because YOU disagree with me? Well Stripey, I've heard your music and I think its complete garbage, repetative and could be made by most children with a computer, but normally I still don't feel the need to have a go at your intelligience. And yes. if it was just this one opinion fine, but almost every single thread you have some negative comment about something or other. You seem like the type of spineless bastard who likes to be completely non-conformist sitting behind a computer screen, or on a forum, but wouldn't dare say that to anyones faces.
  7. Do you not just get really sick of putting everything down all the time and not being at all constructive ever? FOTC are funny men, in general.
  8. Everybody likes music and musicians for different reasons. Some like Dylan due to some image of some folk hero being forced down their throats by the media, others genuinly like his songs. Does it matter why people like different bands?
  9. 3 out of the 4 band members are moving to the burgh. Yeah they had an EP on foyer released after the split. Fucking good record, shame to see them go.
  10. Tonight at Tunnels has an open mic night. I'd suggest going along to that.
  11. Right,with it being festival summer, and the moaning about shit line ups in many of the british festivals this year, I'm wondering what would your dream festival line up be? (Cos its hypothetical, why not include deceased/split up bands) Try and keep it to ten or less otherwise it might get a bit ridiculous Personally (From headliner to smallest act) Led Zeppelin ABBA The Smiths James Brown Jeff Buckley Silverchair Death From Above 1979 Idlewild Aereogramme The Xcerts
  12. *Theatre Damn yanks. But yes, most things in the west end are of such a high quality that its hard not to come back from the shows without enjoying at least some aspect of it.
  13. em, no. the condiments have split up. quite a while ago. or they better have, cos the guitarist is now in my band and we have a show the same day
  14. This Year Aside doesn't really do anything for me until the 2 minuteish mark where the song changes and a alot more is going on, then its a really interesting enjoyable listen. Left Avenue is good. I like whatever percussion is playing (glockenspiel) Obscure Object has a damn fine coda, damn fine. An epic ten minute post rock piece squeezed into 4 and a bit minutes, like someone else mentioned before me. All of these new songs are better than your last effort, so at least in my eyes, you're music is definitely improving in leaps and bounds. Sorry this is probably the worst feedback you'll ever get. But yeah on the whole, pretty good songs. I shall get back to you when I've listened to them a few more times.
  15. Yeah I'd go. Need any help with doors etc do give me a shout, I'd love to lend a hand.
  16. What we were all thinking. You most probably are Stripey, but dont worry, so am I. We should have a drink sometime.
  17. "Jonnys in the basement mixing up the medicine Im on the pavement thinkin about the government" Pretty basic. Bit of Dylan
  18. There's a free slot at Cafe Drummonds that needs to be filled this Sunday. I need to have confirmation of a band by 18:30 tonight otherwise the show wil be cancelled. You must be able to play a 30 minute slot and will be sharing the bill with an acoustic act and a rock/old school metal act.
  19. Wait...have I just been served?
  20. Oh, one of those "I'm so important I need a thread introducing me to the board" threads? Well, welcome. But spot of advice, don't address people you don't know as bitch, dickhead.
  21. Complaining means fuck all unless you make an effort to change things. Sitting back, moaning is worse than keeping your head down. And why is keeping your head down trying to behave like everything else necesarily a bad thing? If you enjoy living here why look for excuses to complain?
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