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Everything posted by waltz

  1. This is the best thread since Shutterspeed. Cool Thinker, let's go out on the piss. I'm sure we can all do a whip-round, get you drunk, and listen to you do monologues for hours.
  2. It's a good venue, that.
  3. "I will never forget that negative rep." "I will never forget that negative rep." "I will never forget that negative rep." "I will never forget that negative rep."
  4. Jesus, what a miserable cunt you are.
  5. How fucking good the Aberdeen music scene (cringe at using that word, but I guess it works) is right now. Props to everyone doing stuff. Haven't been this happy about this city in a long time, and it feels fucking great.
  6. Aw, what? I'd have been rude to him if I'd known.
  7. Thanks! We sometimes do vocals, but having listened to a take with my horrible screeching, we preferred this track as it was.
  8. Just to be clear, I didn't say "hello" to introduce the smallest string quartet available, I said it because we'd played a couple of gigs and got some feedback and some folks were asking to hear something recorded. Cheers though, Alkaline. Thanks for the feedback, good or bad. We'll have more out soon.
  9. Our songs are an attempt to punch Jeremy Clarkson lots, aurally.
  10. hey we did this. https://soundcloud.com/everythingwesayisfact/noah-wont-let-me-on-the-ark-1 there's more coming. x
  11. tom should be a really big deal. I think a lot of people will like his stuff.
  12. This will be fun, listen at 6
  13. Horrible to see it go; my music collection (especially over my the course of my teens) would be paltry without OneUp.
  14. waltz

    Pet Hates!

    Never. I'm a relatively compact human being, it's harder for me.
  15. waltz

    Pet Hates!

    Getting hassle from the feds/cops/5-0 for throwing up in the street
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