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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. The proper off and on mind, as in cut all power to it. Wait for the standby light to go out. Then wait for 5 mins more. Then plug it in again and try to fire it up.
  2. A note to all thinking of putting posters up at Aberdeen Uni (I'm specifically talking about the door at the bottom of the stairs down the side of St. Mary's, but I'm sure there are other places) - please stop sticking them across the middle of fire doors - it makes them extra difficult to open in the event of a fire. It also makes me call you rude names.
  3. Also: supplementary question - will there be any bass action, or will it just be a complete spindly stringed waste of my time?
  4. Big fan of broccoli. I never boil it though. Steam it usually. And broccoli and stilton soup is fine. Nae as fine as Cullen Skink, or my mum's broth, but it's a top 5 for sure.
  5. The EE has just parrotted what the bobbies had to say: http://www.scotland.police.uk/whats-happening/news/2013/october/theft_of_musical_intruments_aberdeen/ No details from them either.
  6. I stated a simple premise (about which I could have been clearer, admittedly) and got told how the world is and how it works, as if I am unaware. I interpreted that negatively. Perhaps I was too quick to judge, sorry about that.
  7. You really don't need to talk down to me about how the world is, but in fairness I should have made it clear that I was talking from my own critiquing point of view. Don't get me wrong, if I don't like something I say so, and why. But if I can't find one good thing to say about something, I don't write the piece in the first place. It's about balance. If I find something which I perceive to be poor, I feel it's more likely to help the content creator improve if there's a little bit of carrot in amongst all the stick. Otherwise it's just "this is fucking shit" surrounded by some superfluous words which also mean "this is fucking shit", wrapped in some paper with "this is fucking shit" printed all over it tied up with a brown bow curled into the shape of a turd. How does that help anyone? So I don't do it. That's just my take on criticism/critique, and I should have been specific about that in the first place. Sorry about that. Carry on!
  8. There is a difference between constructive criticism and sticking the boot in though.
  9. ... in a haze of public posts signposting his intentions. Do I not like that.
  10. I came here to answer questions, not riddles.
  11. It would be 9.30pm in London (and on his watch before he adjusts it to local time) when he lands in NYC at 4.30pm. Time zone is irrelevant to elapsed time.
  12. Not city centre but I recommend Rich Lewis in BoD - ou7shined@gmail.com
  13. Plus it's the accusatory look at the hammer that makes me chuckle
  14. I see a small dot which might be the head of a nail next to the area she hit.
  15. I think I went a bit apeshit on you there, sorry about that. I stand by what I said though. If we're down to bulletpointing then: 1 - I had credited you with sufficient social airs and graces to assume this 2 - ignoring doesn't necessarily make it go away (as I rather angrily pointed out, sorry again) and it certainly won't cure this online social cancer. 3 - agreed.
  16. You know what I suggest because I've already suggested it. The transmission of these messages is a punishable crime, and the law can be dogmatic when it wants to be so authorities - get punishing please. Really, bring it the hell on. Murder rate's pretty low because there are fairly hefty penalties for it and it's pretty relentlessly pursued. Pursuing this social "bad habit" will be intensive and expensive but it's public money well spent if it licks society into a more respectful form. Well if you want to play the bullied at school card (not really relevant as I'm willing to bet that the vast majority of these comments are being written by supposed adults, not kids), I spent most of my school years ignoring physical and verbal abuse, it didn't go away until fifth year secondary, it wasn't pleasant in the fucking slightest AND IT SHOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST PLACE (which is the whole point I've been saying all along). Now it seems having manners and some semblance of acceptability in the content of one's communications is just making me a square all over again. Oh YAS. I got real fucking tired of "sucking it up". I don't see why anyone should have to go through it. It really retarded my social development and set my life back at least a decade in many respects. I suppose you'd say that's my fault for letting it as well. And because you speak as someone who has been on the receiving end, I'm doubly surprised at your attitude. I really wish I had smacked a few people in the face. That would have got their attention. I didn't - I took the "higher moral ground" (or something) and now you have this bitter, regretful, overcompensating faux confident character to debate with instead. What fun! But I should stop moaning, because clearly I brought it all on myself, and it's all my fault.
  17. Both the law and I are saying that no-one should HAVE to put up with them being sent in the first place. It's going to happen whether you like it or not, so suck it up, is that it? Is that your approach? How defeatist.
  18. The Internet is NOT a special case, as far as the law is concerned it's no different to sending an abusive letter, making an obscene phone call or telling someone to their face that they deserve to be raped. The sooner the "it's just the internet, get over it" knuckleheads figure that out, the better for everyone.
  19. Quite why the applicable laws aren't being applied is beyond me (Malicious Communications Act 1988 in England/Wales perhaps, and maybe Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act 2010 under Threatening or abusive behaviour?), apart from the sheer scale of the problem. It is intoxicating though, and I must confess that I have at times been snippier or more sarcastic than I might be in real life during online discussions, but these quoted comments are way beyond any line of acceptability in any communication medium and they should just start throwing the book at some of these folk. Not so hard when you're being sent down for a few months, are you? Good luck getting a job when you're on the sex offenders register. I bet the vast majority of these Internet rapin' and pillagin' types would be blubbing all the way to the jail in the G4S van.
  20. Go away, parallel universe/time travelling Cool Thinker. Note to all Cool Thinkers in all parallel universes - stop using the same password, otherwise shit like this is going to keep on happening.
  21. The assumption that inaction when presented with some kind of "moral dilemma" implies that you are in some way a horrible person has been going on a lot longer than Facebook. If you don't put money in this bucket then you hate kids with cancer or people in a far off land with no water, or some other bullshit when the reality is that I am an occasional charity donor when the whim takes me or the cause engages me who fucking hates having a bucket rattled in my face when I'm trying to enjoy a beer.
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