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Everything posted by KimyReizeger

  1. Compare with: So you love the local tribe but actively dissociate yourself from their disgusting way of talking. How do you get by singing 'Stand Free'?
  2. Well, it's good acting from the host. I have a vague memory of a similar experience.
  3. What an awful situation to get yourself into. Check the audience in particular; absolutely no-one looks impressed: YouTube - the funniest video in the world
  4. I'm not talking about this thread. It's possible to alienate people through aggressive marketing, is what I'm saying, which is perfectly legitimate feedback.
  5. God, what a shit-heap. Went there once and was very lucky to sneak in behind the bouncer's back, avoiding the six quid entrance fee. The place was basically empty aside from a few girls dancing to whatever generic RnB commercial gash-hop was playing, when out of nowhere this cleaner pops up and starts mopping the floor around them. Needless to say, they weren't overly keen on it. Nothing kills a mood more than low-income workers wiping up the debris from your 'fun'.
  6. I think it's a perfectly valid point to make - you shouldn't try and ram your agenda down people's throats. Some of us want a bit of breathing space and dislike being used as statistics for someone's CV.
  7. Jeez, more tosh from ab-music's hard-selling events organiser - you wouldn't make a bad used-car salesman. I'm sick to death of hearing about bloody Lamefest, but you'll no doubt think that's a good thing.
  8. They don't generally mention the brothels though.
  9. Yeah night-shift basically knocks you for six, in so many ways. Living contrary to the rest of the world, I haven't had a pint for a month and average around four hours sleep per day. Living to work indeed. I think you're right about making efforts to kick out of the routine.
  10. Because Friday Night with Johnathon Ross is on?
  11. I haven't bothered looking at the bebo but there's an Octopussy at the Arches in Glasgow that entails a bucking bronco, a 'chapel', a jacuzzi, some other random shit and a whole load of twats.
  12. It depends on a range of variables, which is why I'm asking. I currently work night-shift and my life outside work has thoroughly ended. Working the same 9 hours every day; you get into such a routine that's difficult to break out of - haven't touched any music for about 3 weeks now nor seen anyone socially, but obviously that's due to the horrendous hours. However, I think stiff routine is the important point here; very hard to escape from.
  13. Moving into a new place soon and planning on making a banging go of my final year as a student before frightening entry into the big world. Currently working 45+ hours a week, but the end is increasingly in sight and it's been a good summer.
  14. He is by nature a striker, but I'm apparently picking him as a forward, even though I'm putting him as far up the park as possible. Probably doesn't make an actual difference to play, but as a player who's relatively good in the league, Kenny Wright simply isn't supplying the goods - going to have a very tough decision when his contract runs out.
  15. Come to our gig; it's ace, but by the way, I'm proper only actually after your cash, so bear that in mind whilst considering my initial statement. How about booking inspired, relevant acts and letting the event sell itself? If you want to support 'the scene in aberdeen', only put on Aberdeen bands. Something which could actually be interesting and not some kind of catch-all lamo's day out.
  16. Personally, I am completely indifferent to something like this. The line-up makes it look arbitrary, vague and lacking cohesion and the promoter's aggressive lust for attendees puts me right off. 'Pay some money and see some miscellaneous we-got-who-we-can-the-bigger-name-the-better music.' It reeks of family fun-day more than music festival to me; incidentally, was there a bouncy castle?
  17. Lol - what a farce: Aberdeen FC forum from footymad.net
  18. Hey, do you know how to make a forward into a striker? I have the guy at the foremost position but he's still a forward, when striker is his best role - at least according to my scout who is, admittedly, a bit suspect. (I'm not sure if it'll even make that much difference but he's certainly not banging them in as a forward and Albion Rovers remain rooted to the foot of division three).
  19. It's actually much easier to get into bands when your beginning, as their are loads of other beginners with equally low standards. I'm not being an arse, but it really is simple if you actually want to do it - you shouldn't be expecting to waltz into a great band like My Mind's Weapon before you can even play 'Keep ya head on' by The Wing Ting Brothers.
  20. This is why I think the answer to the original question is simply 'if you have to ask...'
  21. I'm not going to get too po-faced about it; I just don't find top-level football very interesting anymore, therefore the media indulgence in the subject for me is painful, annoying and, I think overall, a simple pandering to the interests of a dribbling majority. For example on Radio Scotland this morning, the Kevin Keegan story ran for about five minutes on 'sports roundup'. The story basically consisted of, 'yes, we're all pretty confused; has he left? has he been sacked? We just don't know, there is some evidence of this, and some evidence of that, and we have our expert from BBC Newcastle on the line, but he doesn't know either...' Similarly, read the Scottish Sun any day of the week for articles along the lines of 'McManus thinks Bhoys can take title'. Or, 'Smith tells players to buck up'. In other words; non-stories constructed from chance words in press conferences that literally bear no relation to anything. I'm considering going to see Inverurie Locos as I actually think that could be a thousand times more exciting in the long run. Anyone been to lower league games?
  22. I think the best method is to have a good recording in the first place which requires little further adjustment beyond some subtle eq and reverb to help ease it into the mix. Thin it out by small reductions in the lower end; add clarity by boosting the upper regions and always listen to how it sounds in relation to the other instruments (avoid the solo button). I would suggest avoiding overload of effects, unless you have a particularly good idea for something a bit more unusual / wacky sounding. That said, I'm pretty inexperienced in the area and would advise intuition and thoughtful consideration above all 'method' Good luck ps. Regarding thickening it out at the beginning - maybe experiment with delay, compression, wacky layering and panning at that point; (go kerazy n that), before easing down into a clean vocal later on.
  23. I would never want to join Man City if I were a professional footballer (oh, if I were!). The colour of their shirt reminds me of cheap, faded plastic toys. Regarding the money spent in EPL. It's a complete joke to equate modern football with any real, likeable or acceptable notion of sport. I can't believe how much energy this country and many others pour into consuming and producing 'football', considering what an inconsequential, cash-determined fantasy it actually is. We're all hoping the underdog will one day reign supreme, but it'll never happen beyond a few brief moments when football almost transcends this inevitable reality before sinking down into page after page of numbing speculation into a black hole know as 'the future'. Good on Aluko. He must've enjoyed his time here and the fans love him. Screw Man City, with any luck Robinho will get sulky and turn to drink when he realises he works with Richard Dunne and their strip is a shit colour.
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