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Everything posted by KimyReizeger

  1. Ok, now the Georgian president is vowing to 'punish' Russia for attacks of the past few days. But get this: So I guess this is how Georgia plan to deal with the baddies: (click)
  2. And because it's pretty much the only complaint anyone can actually make against Russia. As far as I've read, the Russians bombed a few villages outside of South Ossetia and some military / communications targets near Tbilisi. In comparison the Georgians were being accused of civilian butchery / 'genocide' the other day, (by Putin, I should add), and were obviously first to strike. Surely it's Saakashvili who has the questions to answer, and not this chap: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gallery/2008/aug/12/georgia.russia?picture=336483197
  3. Maybe non middle class people don't make shitty generic music?
  4. really? Is that something on the computer or utorrent? I would try Utorrent right now but it might give my comp a headache..
  5. Yeah - It makes sense to sing tired old music with a tired old voice; a tired old voice so ingrained into the popular conception of music that people complain when it changes.
  6. Yeah, but what about all the six-year olds who carry concealed knives.Now that's SHOCKING; try getting to sleep on that one tonight.
  7. Are you aware of clubs in Aberdeen?
  8. I don't think you can make a direct relation to money spent on 2012 as food literally snatched off plates and it's quite easy to cite pressing, serious problems like these in any instance of public spending - it's what you see ordinary people doing whenever debate over public money arises, regardless of the topic up for discussion, 'oh but what about more money for hospitals?' We'll always have problems; I don't see why we shouldn't have a budget that allows for luxuries, in the same sense that the poorest people generally smoke the most fags and most of the country goes out boozing every weekend. That said, I don't think the olympic games is irrational as this. I'm not sure whether or not your scepticism is simply rooted in an outright disdain towards sport, of which I entirely do not share - I am probably in my element playing it and snap any opportunity to do so. Kids really need the kind of inspiration that fierce competition can generate, something which has certainly benefitted me over the years; my physical condition and mental equillibrium. Without meaning to overdo the whole 'majesty of sport' thing, I think sport (along with awareness and involvement in it, as a nation, at the highest level) provides service to a genuine requirement of human life, namely along the lines of getting people off their arses (possibly amid the increasing absence of an actual requirement to do so!). ..to let the games speak for themselves a moment: And the Scottish government sticking its oar in: Political trash-talk or not - maybe it's worth picking up this debate in twenty years time; it certainly appears as though 'the authorities' want to make lasting benefits, have made plenty of accountable promises to this effect and aren't just pouring money into some absurd patriot-hole.
  9. Given the seemingly pro-Russian nature of the place it's possibly the best outcome for them. Therefore, Georgia have created an unnecessary pile of corpses and given spark to more problems in other parts of the country. - South Ossetian soldier on Georgian attacks
  10. An analysis of reporting rhetoric: - the Guardian - Fox News
  11. As far as I can make out South Ossetia recognised itself as an independent state, but the ties with Russia are obviously strong and surely Georgia could have scripted the outcome. I can't imagine a 'peace-keeping' body entering war with Russia on the basis of Georgia's interest.
  12. Saakashvili: Regardless of Russia's next move, aren't Georgia pretty much asking for it by invading a break-away state with an inclination towards Moscow? Given the fact that the president can make statements like the above - in other words, recognise Russia's ambition 'they want to get rid of us' - it doesn't seem very wise to risk provoking volatile superpowers.
  13. Christ, you actually went to see that film? I thought trailers featuring Will Smith quipping about shit-he's-just-blown-up would've put anyone off.
  14. If you sift through any sphere of the modern world's output, I'm sure you'll find something distasteful, morally-objectionable or irrational somewhere. I don't really want to spend my energy analysing these facts of life, nor do I want to get ignorantly swept up in anything. Call it sitting on the fence if you want, but I think there's a degree of freedom in enjoying the huge irrationalities of modern life whilst retaining the ability to look through them for what they are. Regarding Chinese civil liberty history... I make the assumption that an event that draws global attention is a positive thing for the suppressed.
  15. Simplicity and continuity. They will be my new personal buzzwords I have a really un-ideal (almost farcical) set-up at the moment and will be moving soon hopefully into a place that will allow for a good, consistent listening environment, which along with a set of decent nearfields should sort me out. And then I'll forget about production and make goddamn music.
  16. How do you personally go about rounding off tunes? Do you simply use your ears and adjust things till you like it? Or are there any kind of basic techniques which you always apply? Do you do much to the actual 'master' channel or just let each part of a song flow and speak for itself?
  17. Yeah it's nice. A real stomper + continually evolving / growing out of itself musically.
  18. I had initially thought 'is this some kind of veiled criticism?' but genuinely believed we were discussing the general nature of music production, whereby yes, it's a bit of a given that a tune should have some decent musical substance. I take these points though and understand them. I definately put too much effort attempting to emulate things I've heard from a technical angle; trying to conform to some abstract of idea of what a nice mix is at the expense of interesting / volatile / complicated musical ideas. It's all just about trying to find individuality as a music producer by way of taking inspiration from what other people do. However, I see changes on the horizon and think I will ease off on over-production in future / try and allocate some more funding and resources to my over-stretched musical faculties!
  19. This fad probably just reflects a cultural trend for twee ironic things. Accents allow people to come across as organic, modest, slightly humble, inviting you to come and bask with them in the warmth of their sub-community where people wear shapeless wooly jumpers, eat penny chews all day and talk about ducklings. When in fact most are scrupulous walking egos, fully aware of market changes.
  20. Well, that's a bit of a given.
  21. GB won a gold in women's road cycling this morning. Not sure what to make of gymnastics. It's seriously impressive what these wee girls can do, but it's surrounded by so much pomp and they generally look as though ready to cry at any moment.
  22. KimyReizeger


    Anyone looking forward to anything in particular? I'm pretty excited about seeing table-tennis on the box for once, though I think China will pretty much wipe the floor with everyone. Just popped the tele on now to a bit of show-horse-riding. I can't describe how shit I think this sport is. It's really big in Germany and I went to a stable when I was over there, which basically consists of the middle classes prancing around for hours at a time. What's more, they have gymnastic-horse-riding, where people do gymnastics...on horses! As if gymnastics / horse-riding weren't both gash enough in isolation.
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