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Everything posted by Shaki

  1. I had St. Anger on this morning! I'll probably listen to more of it now after seeing the film. I liked the Hamster's point that by removing the guitar solo work they were dating the album to that particular era, nobody listened to him at all though! When Het was complaining about the rest of them listening to the stuff when he wasnt around (in the noon to 4pm era metal indeed!) and how it made him feel that he didnt have a say, Hamster points out thats how Ive felt.for the last 15 years. Ha, hes the least punchable! Everyone in the film is like a fictional character. Mustaine and Ulrich Snr. Are they actually real people?! Ulrich screaming fuck in Hetfields face! Oh, theres so many moments of beautiful ugliness! Ulrich is so far detached from reality! Like, um, I love art, um, look at how theres all this gold here, but hes just, um, left this big black space over here, its like fucking crazy man, God I love art! (then he sells it all for millions of dollars!)
  2. I hoped you liked that bit because that was the resident shrink who appears throughout the whole film!
  3. I watched it for the first time last night. Absolutely hilarious! Those guys live in a totally different world! Its more Spinal Tap than Spinal Tap if you know what I mean?! Id recommend this to anyone whether you like Metallica or not (probably better not to watch it actually if they are your idols actually!). I'm getting that one on DVD
  4. He's pretty sick, check this out: http://dusty.deviada.swellserver.com/news/top_stories/arrested.php
  5. A fine Springsteen Missionary you are! Nice A nae bad cover of State Trooper that Earle does. RSN is indeed a quality album start to finish. Fuck the FCC, Fuck the FBI, Fuck the CIA..... The cover of Breed is too similar to the original. I was surprised when I heard it was Earle though.
  6. I set myself up for that one I suppose! djdjdj is a shit user name though.
  7. No I was deadly serious. Poor Bob. I just can't believe he's gone.
  8. There's no questioning the validity of that website. That really is tragic
  9. Abigail Williams is a shit name for a metal band. At least they're "epic as fuck" though according to their myspace. Is the main act called "Bring Me The Horizon"? I think I unscrambled it. They don't look happy, someone should bring them the horizon. Bring me the Horizon. Haha. That's shit.
  10. Shaki

    FIFA World Rankins

    They were a right load of shit when we were 88th but I like them now! When you look at the teams above us you can admit, without feeling like we are a joke nation, that they are mostly better than us. We were behind some obscure (in footballing terms) african nations not so long ago. It does wonders for the 2010 qualifying draw if we can keep it up. We'll be the big team in our group!
  11. No it was Business Studies I stand corrected.
  12. I'm starting to think that NULL just threw that in to spark an AU V's RGU debate! With regards to RGU's employment records, I think I count in the "97% graduates successfully employed within 3 months of graduating" statistic................because I went back to being a barman in the golfie after uni! It is a more vocation driven uni and I worked my year long placement at Pittodrie which was a dream! I had the chance to go to New York but turned it down for the delights of AFC Admin!
  13. I can't say I know all the albums intimately but I love "Harvest"......and erm........"Greatest Hits" :O That's the only 2 that I own but have been subjected (in a nice way) over the years to most of his stuff by the Neil Young Fanatics I have found myself surrounded by. Had a live video with Crazy Horse called "Weld" I think, it was quality too Not too sure about the robotic/electronic version of "Transformer Man". I think I'll have to get stuck into the albums so will make a list from this thread.....
  14. It really depends on what you want to study, what you want to get out of your time there and what you want to do afterwards. I have experience of both but then you may be a totally different cat than me. I had 4 months at Aberdeen before dropping out then a year later went to RGU (the college in disguise) for 4 years. I hated both equally for different reasons. My problem was that I didn't want to go to Uni, it just seemed the done thing. I don't think my degree has really done me any favours and I see it as 4 years wasted that I didn't even enjoy. I would urge you to only go to Uni if you really have an ambition to do so. A lot of degrees don't mean heehaw anymore. What are you thinking of studying and.......where do you see yourself in 5 years!?!
  15. I'm joining you. Probably just as well I can't work out what to do as I really should get on with work. What am I doing on here?!
  16. ....and when you complained your parents said "one day you'll thank us for it, we've only got your best interests at heart". They were right you know
  17. Was that '98? I saw them at Kef (Glow 303 at that point?) around Sept/Oct in 98 but can't remember seeing The Warm Jets. I had that song "Self Healer" on a Kerrang compilation and thought it was the bees knees but didn't know the rest of their stuff. Maybe a different gig? It was pretty good anyway and totally rammed. I never wore a woolly jumper to a gig ever again. Live and learn.
  18. Shaki


    They're working in an environment where the Kooks one of Britain's biggest bands so I guess anything goes!?
  19. Check it oot: www.myspace.com/oranmor Could be a good gig if he turns up and plays a whole set. Is that with Isobel Campbell or just his solo stuff?
  20. The man has been identified: http://www.thisisnorthscotland.co.uk/displayNode.jsp?nodeId=149235&command=displayContent&sourceNode=149218&contentPK=15705591&moduleName=InternalSearch&formname=sidebarsearch
  21. You could try Stadia. They sometimes show more than one game at a time I think. I'd call beforehand to check though.
  22. My worry is that the voting public are largely uneducated on the matter and you'd get a lot of people screaming "freeeeeedom" solely on the basis of their extreme (and often misguided) nationalism as opposed to political/economical awareness. I personally have no idea what would be best and would have to do a lot of investigation into the pros and cons (perhaps even outwith aberdeen-music.com!) of an independant Scotland before making up my mind. I currently can't be arsed doing that so I say Britain is fine for the meantime.
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