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Everything posted by pogofish

  1. I remember one out on the main road through Scone that was pretty good. Think it was the last of two as you head north.
  2. Credit Munch? The food may be fine but is that not a bit behind the times otherwise? Firms were getting-in with their oh-so funny plays on the credit crunch a good few months back. Anyway, I'm not likely to be darkening Cafe 52's door again for other reasons.
  3. Planning a sparkler pipe bomb or two are we?
  4. Thanks. Were you offered, or have you any idea if anyone demanded a written record of the test/search? So, does anyone know if police can deny you access to a pub/club without good reason?
  5. Who actually tested you, police, PSCO or club staff?
  6. Bang-on! Also, some of the most duplicitous, agenda/self-interest/ideology-laden examples of poor science can be found in the anti drug field.
  7. A very good point - Quite a number of common medications contain similar, or even (shock!) the same compounds as certain abusable drugs. What is the situation there? Proving/disproving is not an issue as this is a doctor/paitent matter & quite confidential. Pubs, clubs & the police (except in limited circumstances) have no business sticking their oar in here. Why should they face refusal because of their health? IIRC, this is an illegal act?
  8. Another article on the macine: False Alarm | DrugReporter | AlterNet Beginning to look like they have really been sold a pup?
  9. False positives are a major issue with these machines. Which are a fair bit more basic than the airport/explosive detectors they are likened to. Anyone heard of which pubs or clubs might have this foisted on them yet? So we can boycott them. Equally, if anyone is tested & suffers a false positive, or has prescribed medication questioned, I hope they would demand a print-out of the result, take proper legal advice & lodge a complaint with both the licencing board & their MP. Is there any idea of how these machines stand under the DPA & how the results are handled - Presumably the testing will happen in the CCTV-covered areas of pubs or clubs & could easily be correlated with the footage?
  10. This strikes me as being like the Quadro Tracker all over again: the Quadro QRS 250G Detector and the Psi-Tronics Super-Sensor Dowsing Rod PERMANENT INJUNCTION AGAINST QUADRO TRACKER
  11. I do find something truly disturbing about this site Toto | Washlet Minor nudity on the first frame You need to have the sound turned on. Also the way you can play tunes on their faces & the way the expression changes. Brrrrr!
  12. Any suggestions for who will fill their spots whilst they are "on holiday"? I'll chip-in with, Jerry Sadowitz, Doug Stanhope & Chris Morris. Which should show the whining fuckwits who moaned about this what offence really means.
  13. Just stay away from Tiscali - I had a pal round in tears at the weekend after her problems with those fuckers. They had cancelled her old contract with no notice (right at the moment she needed to be online for other reasons) & more or less badgered her into signing-up to a new & more expensive contract to continue.
  14. Yes, JW families were amongst the very worst that I had to deal with when I was in that line. Medical issues aside, there are some real sadistic fuckers there n'all.
  15. There is maybe a bit of a difference between established religions with a diverse theology & traditions vs a control-freak, paternalist cult, that has only been around in its current form for just under a century? I also don't recall being evangalised by either of your examples whereas the JW's have been somewhat annoying in the past.
  16. Nope, JW's have amongst the poorest retention levels for people born into the faith of any "religion". They tend to bugger-off at the earliest opportunity & never come back.
  17. Quite a few of my students & one or two other folk I know have done this kind of work at times. It pays a bit better than minimum wage to start with & if they get-in the sales, the bonus rate soon mounts-up on top of that. If they have aptitude, stick with the work & make team leader, they earn a very healthy wage/bonus indeed. Saying that, most do get sick of being told to fuck-off constantly & only stick it for a few months at best.
  18. Hoping to go & see AKA SKA at the Lemon Tree but I'm also off to see Tangerine Dream in Edinburgh later in the weekend, so probably not much else as I'm not paid till Saturday & I'm currently skint.
  19. Think you would probably be ok, IIRC alcohol is not itself forbidden, however drunkeness & other "immodest" behaviours are.
  20. As for the Witnesses, I find it takes a bit of talent to get rid of them but it is a very long time since they bothered me. Also find it funny that as an evangelical organisation with around seven million members, it still clings to the belief that only 144,000 of them are going to be "special" enough to be admitted to heaven. The rest of them & us can fuck-off, I suppose?
  21. By & large, they are not charity workers at all. Instead they work for one of a small number of commercial fundraisers. The money a charity gets from a chugged donation is very small indeed & by the time they have paid the fundraiser a fee for each sign-up, it can take a very long (year or more) time before they start to get it. After that, paying a long term 50-75% comission to the fundraiser is not unusual. Seriously, if you are considering a regular donation, contact the charity & donate direct - They get far more value out of your money that way.
  22. First-up against the wall - Parasites, all of them
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