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Ron Cocker

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Everything posted by Ron Cocker

  1. Ron Cocker


    I'd be up for this if you're still looking for a bassist.
  2. soundcloud.com/ron-cocker/m8-ting
  3. Monos are back on the interwebs! Yay!

  4. Sherlock's and the Richmond Arms if you're Westheimer way.
  5. Not even a hint of a sniff yet. Need Paul to big me up again.
  6. Ron Cocker


    I'm thinking about playing with a band again. Not particularly bothered about the style. In the last few years I've played with these: http://www.reverbnation.com/roncocker and these http://bellocshavana.bandcamp.com/track/real-old-lonely-guy and indulged in some other punk, jazz and funk horseplay which I can't locate on the interweb at present. Maybes on youtube. PM if interested.
  7. That Boe gin is pretty good. Got it on bargain hunter's surprise in Asda for £15. Poor man's Tanq No 10, but did the job.
  8. Binoculars and telescope!? "Had them since I was a bairn", my arse. That's a Kincorth chipshop stalking kit.
  9. Aye, chemicals, poison and hate, just like you say. I say bring back Aps. They were medicinal or something.
  10. It lived at my house for a while previously. I cowin' loves it, I does.
  11. I don't know what made me more giddy, the whirling or the intoxicating campness.
  12. Right enough boy, fucking good find. Went tonight wi the boy. It was a taste sensation and excellent service. Highly recommended. Bizarre situ though, next to the fishy zone and with a few reprobates in the quarterdeck bar.
  13. Menu looks immense. I'd have never have found that place, will definitely gie it a bash.
  14. I'm getting quite partial to the Manchurian doon Mounthooly way. The wee dumplings list thing is a bit dangerous once you get started on it. Turnip mousse things were a revelation.
  15. Saw that Moorings gig. Awesome. Superb band.
  16. Have you got Athlete Kings on the Saturn? That would be good.
  17. Drummonds and Tunnels gigs were highly entertaining, immense musicians and a cracking frontman. When's the next one?
  18. Adventure Time on the Cartoon Network is making me happy.
  19. Rare Exports. Finnish Christmas film. Meant to see it at the Belmont the week before Christmas, but got snowed in. Splendid film.
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