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Everything posted by ash.

  1. draconians all the way, richard isn't the nicest of men and he makes me feel rather uncomfortable.
  2. i tried to leave reputation for this post but i cant so +1
  3. watch out for the junkie punx on the bridge at camden!
  4. hmmm nah i got one with 20 quid on last time i was in london and it lasted me 6 days! although i was using it for travelling outside of zone 1/2...
  5. ach...but why?!? and after flying circus added me to myspace and everything, SIGH. i didn't think it was stopping. i actually don't know if i'll come back to shulu now. i only liked wednesday nights.
  6. not sure if you're going to be using a lot of public transport but if you are deffo pick up an oyster card, they save you a tonne!
  7. right...so...flying circus is over with..is it going to be a similar deal on wednesday nights or what? it was the best night out going imo...
  8. oo edgar prais, good stuff. hopefully i'll be as far away from here as possible at the start of 07 but i'll certainly consider coming along if i'm unfortunate enough that i'm stuck here
  9. i saw blackadder at the millenium dome, i was too young to appreciate it.
  10. aye i got the one saying you were seeing the guy' date=' any joy? pm me . :']
  11. as my peterheed grunny would say, "ats the only fuckin language thae cunts understand".
  12. joke will be on those cunts when they get stabbed in the heart too. idiots... how can they possibly think steve would approve of them killing animals?
  13. season 4 had its moments but it wasn't astounding, that's why i turned to king of the hill.
  14. awww bless, cute. i mean errr. yeah fuckin emo baby go slit >_>
  15. i don't know you, but happy birthday anyway.
  16. hi. i have a guitar and i've tried to teach myself but i lack the patience/intelligence needed. so i would like someone to help me. i'm fairly clueless to be honest, so i'd need teaching from scratch. i'm not mega mega rich or that so no extortionate prices please! pm me or leave a reply here. ta!
  17. yeah i have a black one, i love mine.
  18. my ipod knows it's more than it's life is worth than to make sad faces at me.
  19. i work with children with special needs, and i sure am glad this is the internet and not "irl" or you would be wishing you never said that.
  20. the year 2000 called, it wants it's "witty" graphic back.
  21. once when i was walking home from parker's plaice to my then home on crown street at 5am i noticed a car bouncing. it was only when i got closer i realised the passengers seat was reclined right back and there was a hugely fat munter riding some old guy on it
  22. i know, i should be charging for this shit.
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