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Everything posted by Davey_sc

  1. The sandwiches from Zeste are still good, and I think they have them in the Hub. It is a nice place, but I agree with the point about having your hair cut whilst avid coffee drinkers watch intently. It's not as if I get my hair cut, but no thanks. And is there any need for about 6 restaurants on the 1st floor? HubGrub apparently.
  2. Dead at 27 in fact. I thought he was getting through it too, we hadn't heard anything for a while, I just presumed he was getting better.
  3. It is indeed a shame. He hung on for a wee while at least.
  4. Indeed. Should be good. You may dislike the support, but come and see Sucioperro!
  5. Rise Against - The Sufferer and the Witness And Sigur Rós - Takk
  6. I will admit that I doubted we were good enough to support Sucio, but if we're asked we're not going to turn down that offer.
  7. One of the 'so shit it's good' ones. Duck walks in to a bar, asks the barman - "Got any bread?" Barman replies - "Nah, sorry." Duck leaves. Next day duck comes in again and asks - "Got any bread?" Barman - "No, no bread today either pal, sorry." Duck leaves. Duck comes in the next day - "Got any bread?" Barman - "Look, we don't have any bread, and we never will! OK?!" Duck leaves. Duck comes in the next day - "Got any bread?" Barman, in a fit of rage - "We don't have any bloody bread! If you ask again I'm gonig to nail your beak to the table, got it?!" Duck - "Got any nails." Barman - "no." Duck - "Got any bread?"
  8. Let's just agree that Sucioperro are ace and that it'll be good seeing them. 'Nuff said.
  9. I'm not bothered if they like us or not, but I bet they haven't heard every band.
  10. Thanks. Have you actually heard any of them?
  11. Awesome. Look forward to playing with you then.
  12. I'm not even hear that often and I don't know. I was probably whoring the band in some way, shape or form.
  13. Alonso because there's no bloody Barry Davies commentating.
  14. Can anyone give me the number for Paul at Kef? It's urgent! Cheers.
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