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Everything posted by Lucius

  1. I fell asleep during the HHH/Cena match too. And when are they going to stop all that Diva pillowfight bullshit. I dont mind it when the women wrestle but thats what i want to see WRESTLING not 2 skanks rip each others clothes off. I have my porn collection for that.
  2. And he go ta reaction from Captain Charisma. Which was nice.
  3. Yeah one of those is my "Shelton is a little bitch" sign which really pissed him off. Im excited already!!!!!! As you can probably tell from my overuse of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. I actually tried that stuff 2 weeks ago. I mouthful and i poured the rest of it down the sink.....fucking rancid!
  5. Mildly amusing but couldnt help being slighty disappointed. I expected a thread based on the ever funny Canal St. signpost. Or my personal favourite Bellended Walk.
  6. Signs yes. Bruce Willis no. It was Mel Gibson.
  7. Dunno but quite possibly oh and yes its Superman. Its tricky coz you see the trial at the start of the first film but Zod and his pals arent a big part of the story. Then Superman 2 comes along and they raise hell.
  8. 1."No. I hate this place. They make me buy a new outfit, and they let you wear the housedress. I don't get it." 2."Ah. Well... I attended Juilliard... I'm a graduate of the Harvard business school. I travel quite extensively. I lived through the Black Plague and had a pretty good time during that." 3."You had me at dicks fuck assholes." 4."Amanda McKinney throws up all over herself. I knew the second it happened, it was a miracle. I could have been kissing her when she threw up." 5."We are gathered here today to pay final respects to our honored dead. But it should be noted that this death takes place in the shadow of new life, the sunrise of a new world; a world that our beloved comrade gave his life to protect and nourish. He did not feel this sacrifice a vain or empty one, and we will not debate his profound wisdom at these proceedings. Of my friend, I can only say this: of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was the most..............human." 6."Yeah, I know. Listen, my advice to you, you take this money you've been collecting for your parish, go get yourself a nice dress you know? Fix yourself up; find some man, find some woman that you can connect with, even for a moment. Cuz that's really all that life is, sister, it's a series of moments. Why don't you seize yours? Atta girl. Atta girl." 7."And I don't need one other thing except my dog. (the dog, growls) Well I don't need my dog." 8."You will bow down before me, Jor-El! I swear it! No matter that it takes an eternity, you will bow down before me! Both you and then one day, your heirs!"
  9. Damn i hoped that would confuse someone so i could taunt them and feel superior.
  10. 1. "You cant dust for vomit." 2."Were coming to get you Barbara!"
  11. Now normally i would agree with you as this really isnt my type of film but for some unknown reason i like the look of it. Maybe i need to get out more?
  12. http://www.seenoevilthemovie.com/ Was just on the Empire site where they had a link to the trailer for "See No Evil". This is the movie starring Kane from the WWE. I watched it hoping for a laugh at what will probably be a pathetic movie that would no doubt end up going straight to the bargain bin at your local Blockbuster. Instead i ended up actually wanting to see it. Pity i have to wait ages for it to come out.
  13. Happy Bithday dude. Love the new avatar you powerpuff lovin freak! Would have been down but as usual i was up all night and slept all day. Damn nightshift. Hell i missed my own birthday yesterday so why would i turn up for yours lol.
  14. Great stuff. I normally try and read a bit here and there and make it last coz ur never sure when theres gonna be a new post but i just sat and read the lot in one go.
  15. http://www.local6.com/news/5784303/detail.html He always kind of freaked me out.
  16. Lucius


    A few of my friends know me by my nickname of Columbo. On a night out a girl asked me how i got it. I told her i had a glass eye like Peter Falk the guy who played Columbo on TV. She spent the rest of the night trying to figure out which one was the glass one.
  17. Thanks for the advice Dino. And Elwood i know i have been saying that all last year and when i drank that pint of coke it was Xmas Eve. This year i really mean it...honest....maybe....STOP JUDGING ME!!! Oh and im gonna try and learn more than just the 3 chords i know already on my guitar. (this will probably never happen as i have no musical ability). And the last one, im gonna stop being such a fat pig and lose some weight.
  18. My resolution is to be Brutally Honest when asked anything no matter how upsetting the answer maybe. No more sugarcoating and diplomacy .....u want the truth...u cant handle the truth. Also im going to stop drinking coke.
  19. I believe they were American Airlines planes not Pan-Am. Pan-Am was Lockerbie.
  20. Im working night shift tonight in a hotel, where theres a party night, where i will be surrounded by drunk people enjoying themselves. Yeah Happy Fucking New Year to me. Can u tell im a bit grumpy about it?
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