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Everything posted by Marc

  1. i think arsenal real will be an ace game, there both not at their best and they both cant defend, bet theres loads of goals
  2. the christmas number 1 will actually be unveiled on christmas day this year, makes it much better, so is the winner of the x factor releasing their song 2 days after winning it then?
  3. another wanker to join the celtic midfield then, do lennon and keane not hate each other anyway? Keanes obviously taken the easy way out and wants to play easy football and get paid too much for it, he left man utd coz he couldnt face it that he wasnt good enough for a shite team. Mustve been all the european football that celtic have had this season that tempted him :]
  4. yeah coz we only listen to bands that take drugs, if there clean we hate them, wise up
  5. i really enjoyed it, maybe not the best ive seen them but yeah they were good, liam looked like he actually enjoyed being in aberdeen and clapped to us many times, he never even went mental when getting pelted at. They sang the masterplan so that made my day, fucking ace, although 35 for poor support? think they could have easily got alot better support than that
  6. yeah its a pretty good gig, i forgot how fucking ace the strokes are, been listening to them constantly 2day, def will be at their gig in edinburgh, dont have a ticket but i will get. Thats now their third album and after only a few listens, its sounding like its gonna be another great one. I really like room on fire, not as much as is this it but i put is this it down as one of the best albums of the 21st century so far.
  7. cheers man, i didnt think they would be that great acoustic, but they are
  8. well it is 1 for a vodka red bull, almost good enough to enjoy the music, well maybe not
  9. see andrew kendalls been in the wars again, he had a massive argument with dominic masters from the others in manchester last week and has taken the others whole site down. Dont know if the others know about it yet. Got told kendalls made his 5k already
  10. Just got my hands on it just now and am gonna play it over and over again, anyone else got it? ill let you know what i think about it in a couple of hours
  11. Arcade Fire - Funeral babyshambles - Down In Albion Art Brut - Bang Bang Rock n Roll Bloc Party - Silent Alarm The Cribs - The New Fellas Death From Above - Youre a woman.... Editors - The Back Room The Others - The Others The Paddingtons - First Comes First The Rakes - Capture/Release We Are Scientists - With Love and Squalor
  12. it does my head in when people dont pay for what theyve bidded on, how would you like if someone never sent you your item that you paid for? you deserve the suspension, could give you a tip to be registered again but im not going to tell you
  13. hes never been able to sing in tune, hasnt stopped the roses and his solo tours selling very big places in the past, he knows how to entertain
  14. omg, thats amazing, i dont care if he fills it, it will be ace, hes still one of the best live performers aroung and he still has many fans
  15. havent heard them yet but been told by alot of people that there great, think ill be there to check them out
  16. got my tickets, anyone else get the presale link?
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