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Everything posted by Marc

  1. back in edward wright again, nice n quiet, just had the cleaners in again, different person this time tho, theres 3 of us in the room, one girl keeps talking to herself, more red bull and nutrigrain bars
  2. i got that extremely large poster, its the biggest poster ever
  3. You get a free badge and sticker and its only 9.50, dont give your money to virgin or hmv, i also got an extrememely large poster, had to ask nicely tho
  4. i get the feeling from you that you dont like any bands
  5. just did two past papers and got most of it right, you only have to chose 2 questions and ive now done all the topics apart from one, choice now is to revise that topic, sleep or touch up on the ones ive already done, dont think sleeping will be the best idea, ill probs not get up again, just proves how much a farse uni is if you can learn a whole subject in about 8 hours
  6. yeah im in aberdeen, could do it at home but would end up just sleeping or watching people sleep on big brother, its really quiet, theres 2 other people in this room, ive managed to read 206 pages of a 300 paged book so gonna finish that then do some past papers, got another exam on tuesday at 9am. Didnt get up til 8pm today so i think ive managed to switch my body clock by about 12 hours meaning ill finish my exam at 11, go to sleep about 12, wake up at 9pm and do the same thing again. The cleaner was in earlier with a really loud hoover, she was wearing adidas popper bottoms lol. Its not that bad, get a good parking space, nobody annoys you, the red bull keeps you going and theres nothing interesting to do at this time to stop you revising. Ill probably sleep all day tuesday but who cares, not as if ive got anything to get up for
  7. Everyones probably finished there exams by now but im not and i hate it, im currently sitting at uni, have been for the last 7 hours, filled with red bull trying to study a whole course in one day, exams at 9. Yeah it is my fault for a, not going to uni the whole term and b, leaving it til the last day but cant change it now. Anyone else on the same ship, yeah it is a pointless thread but thought i would feel sorry for myself. Cant wait til wednesday til there over and i can get pissed, going back to work now
  8. there not about being in the lower class or slaggin the lower class, there songs are about what you see in everyday life and why not have a dig at scumbags, they deserve it, arctic monkeys are not having a dig at poor people, there just slagging off the bampots, being poor does not mean your scum. Wish people would actually listen to lyrics properly
  9. It has to be the libertines, defining bands are the ones who inspire the type of genre for the next few years and if you look at the hype just now, its focussed alot on indie music. Alot of bands would not be getting the attention (even if its not deserved) that they are now if it wasnt from the scene that the libertines (and the strokes) have created. I believe the '00's will be remembered for its indie music.
  10. Anyone got spares for tonight, give me a shout
  11. so nobody know what time the coral are on, i would really like to know, arsed with liberty x and proclaimers, my plans is to see the coral then get outta there as soon as i can. anyone even know if they are all on b4 midnight or what, whos hosting it? not that i care
  12. im gonna buy the mag, put the cd on, stick the badge with the rest of my badges and burn the mag in my fire, that means ive got a badge, some entertainment and some heat, all for 1.50 - why should we be complaining?
  13. rowan just wants to get people to like them so he can boast about them talking about him in nme , they are good tho
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