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Everything posted by mcsheepie

  1. This whole thing bugs me. I'm not supporting England, and would love to see them lose. This isn't because i'm Scottish and hate the English, its because i hate the English media. I am fed up hearing about how amazing the England team is, how Rooneys foots doing, what they had for tea. The news headlines start off with..And England are warming up for x match. Thats sports news, where's the world headlines? The comment that bugged me most? Well, England won't meet Germany till the final. If they weren't so arrogant about everything, i might hope they do alright I am not anti-English for not supporting them. I just want them to lose so the media will shut up. If they do win it'll be unbearable. And did you read the bit about someone having a go at Murray for wearing a saltire sweatband? Surely thats anti-Scottish?
  2. I saw it last week, was alright. Had some nice black humour in it, but not the kind of film i'd watch again.
  3. My neighbour only seems to own 2 albums, the greatest love songs in the world part 342 and James Blunts album. My floor is shaking cos she's playing Blunt so loudly! I'm in hell
  4. I went to see the Omen last night, and after reading other reviews i expected a bad film but i saw an awful, awful film. It was dull, not scary and really boring. The acting was bad, the script even worse (did they really, Mr Thorn, need to say the charcters, Mr Thorn, name every two seconds, Mr Thorn, in every piece of dialogue... Mr Thorn). The kid wasn't scary or creepy, just annoying, oh look, i can screw my nose up, and the voice? I will admit to jumping once (the dog in the cemetery), i knew it was coming but it still caught me offguard, but for a scary movie one jump is not enough. I'm just glad i didn't pay full price for that (i love Orange Wednesdays) Oh and speaking of the dog, are we really expected to believe that if under attack from a vicious dog with its fangs in your arm all you need to do to get rid of it is...take off your jacket?
  5. Card shops. I know fathers day is coming up but i'd still like to be able to buy other cards. Every year its the same, they have stacks of the fathers days ones and hardly any birthday ones, all the good insulting ones aren't there, its just the bland soppy stuff. Annoyingly, my Dad and two of my brothers have birthdays next week and are there any good ones to buy? The same thing happens with the other brother, his birthday is at easter. And before anyone suggests buying them earlier, pre-special card time, i did this once and couldn't remember where i put them, which meant i had to get more.
  6. American TV Networks. I hate the fact i find a program i like, start watching it, really enjoy it and then... cancelled. Brimstone (great show about a dead cop sending people back to hell), American Gothic, Angel (how could they end it like that?), Firefly (at least we got a movie from that) and most recently Invasion.
  7. Yes Torque was bad, but it was still watchable unlike.... Van Helsing, The Interpretor (good actors, rubbish, rubbish movie), The Fast and the Furious 2 (i really liked the first one, but the second was just awful) and Titanic (how on earth did it win all those oscars?) I'm sure i've seen worse films, i just can't think at the moment.
  8. Or' date=' if you don't want to risk getting caught by customs, go to [url']www.loaded247.com. Same price, but they act as an importer or something so the customs is already paid.
  9. At the moment? Seagulls - they have started bombing my flat, my kitchen window is covered in crap (have no way of cleaning it) and the front doors the same. Went out, pulled the door shut behind me just to discover the handle was covered in bird shit, not nice. Strangley, none of the other houses in the street got 'hit'. The car outside did though, it's totally covered. Xerox printers - I sit near one at work and it is constantly jamming so i get people opening all the doors, pulling out sheets of paper, talking loudly about how it's always doing this and then slamming all the drawers shut again. Oh yeah, and when it starts doing huge prinouts, with staples, that really is annoying. People who cough and don't cover their mouths - My boss does this, he coughs all the time. Not only do i sit near the printer, i sit near him. Last week he had some virus thing and instead of staying at home and getting better he came in and coughed all over us, and the nose blowing noises etc? Horrible.
  10. In no particular order Bloc Party/Maximo Park @ The Lemon Tree We Are Scientists @ Kef and not really a gig but Moby @ that free radio 2 thingy.
  11. Is this a better name than believe?
  12. Been there, but if you click on the buy tickets link it goes to the box officey bit where there is no mention of the scientists. They aren't there
  13. Yeah, i can't find the tickets on the website either. ?(
  14. If you look on http://epguides.com/lost there's 3 then the finale Two for the Road ? Three Minutes and Live Together, Die Alone
  15. Thanks, i'll try the BT speed thingy. I am on the Denburn exchange and was a bit worried about the LLU transfers, but i read somewhere that you can tell them not to move you over, so i'll be doing that. I'm definitely going to start looking for a new ISP
  16. I know some people here use PlusNet (from the ISP thread) and i was wondering if any of you have had speed problems lately? I normally get 1600kbps and above and today i'm averaging 700 which is really annoying. Is it just me?
  17. I was in Banff last month (couple of weeks skiing), its a great little town, stunning scenery. (And Cloud, i was dragged along to a flames game last time i was there, don't get hockey but my friend loved it) I'm thinking of going on Safari in Africa this summer, found a cheap deal, just need to find cheap flights. Either that or a trip to Thailand/Cambodia (again, found a cheap deal) I love holidays
  18. There's some old pictures of Aberdeen here
  19. Well, it seems my readings not on the same level as most of you, but... I've just read Indelible by Karin Slaughter and i'm reading The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman now.
  20. I'm still watching it, its been getting even better the last few episodes. Can't wait to see what happens next.
  21. So I Married an Axe Murderer Nobody got these ones i posted earlier so i'll stick them in again "and you, stop multiplying!" and "Let's kick his ass and take his coat"
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