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doom donkey

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Everything posted by doom donkey

  1. It was probably Eliza ELIZA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Got to agree with this, I work for a company that provides seismic data processing/imaging, petrophysics ect. software (probably the company that provides the sw that Hugh Jazz is talking about, think BP are using our stuff at the moment) and we are moving to drop Solaris support soon as the major oil companies are moving away from Solaris to linux/windows.
  3. If you are looking to do this on the cheap I believe ARI supply eye patches, hooks and peg legs upon display of an appropriate injury. I suggest a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, followed by juggling/playing keepie up with a chainsaw. Hope this is of help.
  4. Nothing to do with the film, but has the phrase "Absolutely rank" changed meaning? It certainly used to mean crap when I was a lad.
  5. You should all read "Under the Frog" by Tibor Fischer or seeing as this is a music site "Wonderland Avenue" by Danny Sugarman. Both are great.... well i liked them anyway 8)
  6. Ok, had another play and got it to work using the following, =IIf(Not IsMissing([Heada]),[Heada],IIf(Not IsMissing([Headb]),[Headb],[Headc])) I'm assuming here that heada, headb etc are fields in a table. If so you create a report (I used the wizard) containing Job number and heada, then open the report in design view, right click on heada in the detail section and select properties, paste the above code in the "control source field" on the data tab, rename the text box on the other tab so it's not heada (gets confused between the text box and field name) and it should all be cool.
  7. Ok, I was a wee bit bored a work, if you open the report in design view and put something like the following as the control source for the HEAD TYPE field it should work (maybe, I didn't bother testing it as I'm not that bored) =IIf([HEADA] Is Not Null,[HEADA],(IIf([HEADB] Is Not Null,[HEADB],[HEADC]))) Hope that helps
  8. You are ok as long as it's a train that will not have a lot of football or rugby fans on it (i.e. there isn't an aberdeen way game in edinburgh or a scotland game at murrayfield), they become dry trains and you aren't allowed alcohol on them. So apparently what happens now is people are forced to leave there carry outs on the station and the local kids come round and nick them for some under age drinking action.
  9. I would guess it's because it's a really bad film IMHO of course
  10. This was annoying me too, It's Sukiyaki by Kyu Sakamoto
  11. Bunch of miserable sods on this board I had a great time last night Only caught the last cut copy song, sounded alright though,
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