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Everything posted by Jesus.H.Christ

  1. I've just realised it's probably Edinburgh on the 1st, the Belladrum Festival and the Let's rock thing. Yeah?
  2. Yeah of course i got it - they are amazing! I got it through the post on Saturday and also got a signed print with it! I'm really wanting to go down to Edinburgh on the 1st of September to see them.
  3. Damn it, I really want to see Larrkiin Love. And the tickets are going for stupid amounts of money.
  4. "The View, The View, The View are on fire!"
  5. Wolfmother The View (again) Tapen n Tapes Little Man Tate Nine Black Alps Good Shoes Larrikin Love
  6. Nice one, although i should have guessed that it would be in October.
  7. "Posh boys can't play!" I'm really liking this band. I will definitely need to see them again soon.
  8. As well as Johnny Cash, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis etc etc.....
  9. Yeah? That would be great.
  10. Im so pissed off that i missed this gig! Im on holiday but back on Friday so just missed it which is even worse. I bet it was ace, they were good when i saw them last year supporting Arctic Monkeys at the ABC in glasgow so i wanted to hear them again now that i know more of their stuff.
  11. They played at Snafu in June. They sounded pretty good then.
  12. Nice one, October is going to be ace.
  13. I thought it was pretty decent like, although I thought their stuff on myspace sounded better than it actually did live. I was impressed by the support band too.
  14. Yeah they are playing Drummonds. Tickets were on sale last Friday.
  15. Oh yeah, like you did at Pro Evo!! haha (Ok you did once I admit it)
  16. I thought I recognised the ugly kid in the paper! (aimed at Paul by the way)
  17. Paul, this sounds pretty ace. But I have exams on Wed/Thur so not sure if i can make it. Dont want to be hung-over for the 'day before' revising of my Wed exam. I will try and make it and come out for a few hours. (But in reality i will probably go, stay out all night and get totally wankered!)
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