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Everything posted by Jesus.H.Christ

  1. Do you know if Gambit is gonig to be in X-Men 3?
  2. Huh, I''ve never noticed that before. Or I dont think I did, I played that game years and years ago. It's worth digging out then.
  3. Aaah I forgot about Simon. I think thats sounds like a good choice.
  4. Its an ace old game, I think it came out around the same time as Sam and Max. It's worth playing.
  5. Can anyone recommend me a good Point 'n' Click game? There seems to be a limited number of these types of games (or so I'm aware of). I've already played The Monkey Islands, The Broken Swords, Grim Fandango, Sam and Max, Day of the Tenticle and I know of Dig but have heard that it's not great
  6. Yeah it will, Maximo Park and Arctic Monkeys in the same gig!It will be amazing.
  7. I cant believe how bad this game is. I've been a fan of all the pro evo's but i just cant stand this one. The players touches are hurrendous and the turning is sooo slow . It makes Barca versus Real look like a sunday amateur game because there is so much ric-a-shays(?) and deflections. The games drag on and its just really boring. Aaagh, I'm really dissapointed. (This does not mean i am bad at the game by the way, quite the opposite).
  8. I think Sandman will look really cool in Spidey 3 with all the special effects. Im looking forward to Spider-man 3 much more than I was Spider-man 2. Do you know when it's being released by the way?
  9. It will be ace seeing the Rakes again at the Franz concert. I saw them at the Leeds Festival without Alan the lead singer as he was ill, but the rest still played on and had Kele from Bloc Party and the lead singer from Towers of London as special guest singers. Which was well cool. So it will be ace seeing the whole band.
  10. Well.. they're good. But i definitly agree that a good/bad name does not define a good/bad band!
  11. "There is only two things i hate. 1) People who are intolerant to other people's nationalities and 2) The Dutch!"
  12. How can some people dismiss a band because of their name?? And in this case a fucking ace band! It's the music that counts not their name or look or anything else.
  13. I thought the opposite, I thought they were really good and an overall ace gig.
  14. Well said Marc. By the way can you remember the full set-list or have a link to it cause i wouldn't mind looking at it?
  15. "just dropped the kids off in the pool" Hahaha, thats ace.
  16. I actually prefer 'Bigger boys and stolen sweethearts' to 'I bet you look good on the dancefloor' and can't believe it's just a b-side.
  17. Yeah me to, the gig was awesome and the band are awesome!
  18. Yeah he's ace, but he's not "the only worthy supervillian". There's Carnage, Kingpin, Electro, Lizard, The Vulture, The Scorpion, Hobgoblin...... etc
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