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Craig B

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Everything posted by Craig B

  1. Read this until the 3rd page... Well creepy http://board.hondasociety.com/showthread.php?t=38461&page=1&pp=30
  2. Cos outfists like that are really gonna win 'hearts and minds' of enemy civilians, or whatever it was. "Robots are attacking!" This is what happens when the geeks inherit the earth.
  3. Bass players are just a bit dim. Keybaord/piano people are vicious
  4. It's bizzare that record copanies are not allowing pepole to learn guitar. They sell tab books for some albums, charge a lot of money for them (more than the album costs) and theya re usually kinda difficult for a beginner to get their head around.
  5. I live with him. You seriously do not want to know him.
  6. Everyone knows keybaord players are cunts. I used to be in a band with one. *Shudder*
  7. I like it there. Never get the chinsese food tho, it's actually rotten.
  8. To be fair, some bands should be told.
  9. I'm stayting in with sausage rolls and gin. My night > your night
  10. Pfft. You didn't even ask me. Not that I would. I'm shit anyway! Ha ha! Besides, I thought you were away to Glasgow anyway?
  11. I never really liked the arrangements on those late 70's ones, a bit too much saxaphone. Whoo, I saw him live last monday!!! And I got a Bob Dylan carrier Bag! That made the 12 hour bus ride worth it.
  12. I did d once see a guy with that 'love hate' thing on his knuckles. And I also saw a guy in the Morning Noon And Night (The onnon Crown Street) who had a kind of spikey Celtic thing, but it was covered in toilet roll and bleeding. I was stood behind him in the que, waiting to pay for penaut M&Ms, I ws almost sick.
  13. I bought tickets to see The Pddingtons at Moshulu ages ago, but recently they cancelled the gig, but then re-scheduled it, for the same night but now at The Tunnels instead. Are the origninal tickets still valid, does anyone know?
  14. I like having shelves full of CDs though, and the effort it takes to get a CD and put it on the stereo kind of underlines the action, if you see what I mean. And how can you wste spece, it's got nothing else in it.
  15. I see what you mean about one or two songs. But most people arnen't DJs.
  16. Surely the Schooner wouldn't have closed. And why is there always Hard House coming out of it when ever I walk past at 9 in the morning?
  17. of all things you could have hallucinated as well. You must be dissapointed.
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