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Everything posted by rune

  1. sorry you are wrong, it clearly said "if i don't know you, you won't get in"
  2. What a completely pointless thread, if it's private keep it private, not on a public forum. Close this thread
  3. They should of let it all be, this venture could be a real shambles, i'm not a fan of re-unions at all
  4. Source codes and tags is far superior, was looking forward to this but now think it's a real let down
  5. Will pay over the ticket price, really want to go, fucking sold out on the day i found out about the gig, what a bastard
  6. Will pay over the ticket price, really want to go, fucking sold out on the day i found out about the gig, what a bastard
  7. Thats sucks so much, not often great musicicans come to aberdeen
  8. nooooooo london only?! I must go! Will cost a fortune tho
  9. Having all of their cd's i'm not too fussed
  10. rune

    isis and jesu

    it's ok i guess but to me it's a poor mans isis or neurosis
  11. yeah i do hope they play there
  12. The cd as a whole is pretty solid, with nothing really groundbreaking, but never the less good. Any syl fan will like it, only thing with syl releases is that they are pretty constant as i feel musically they don't really do anything new with their sound, not to say that is a bad thing tho
  13. Or it could be the new album titled "alien" which has been just leaked
  14. So they actually did a one tour stop of the uk last time round? Fucking hope not this time!
  15. Word has it that nine inch nails have finished their new cd which is titled "with teeth" With a tour to follow, can't miss that one! From what i understand it will be out march 05. Should be one of the releases of the year, can't wait
  16. For those about to rock? Had that for a while now, its ok i guess
  17. You really are boring me, with your childish games. Go play with yourself
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