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Everything posted by rune

  1. Missing out the real points i made clearly show your downfall
  2. That's more like it, endorsing a person who believes in intimidation makes you a complete half wit
  3. Anyone who incorporates violence and bullying on these boards deserves feed back. On the other hand you endorse it, you're scum aswell
  4. You sad little man, you don't intimidate me in the slightest. It's really quite pathetic the way you try and belittle people, quite the big man eh? It just shows how small and igsignificant you are.
  5. You obviously don't see the point i am trying to put across......... Who is the idiot now? Don't you think it was a straight forward question? I do
  6. It is true tho and you really have ISSUES Get an existence asshole
  7. Oh my god no, nasum are one of the finest grindcore outfits ever, pls no
  8. Looks like my claim stands then, you don't believe in morals. You just suit yourself and don't care about anyone/anything, sheer ignorance
  9. You fail to see the point that alot of nine inch nail videos aren't shown on music tv as alot of them are banned. Your post does nothing against my claim, when infact the evidence speaks for itself. So explain to me why when i try to promote a band like halo and even give people a link so they can hear their sound when infact all the people who have no knowledge of this band don't show any interest at all? My friend introduced me to NIN. Your presumption is wrong
  10. You mtv/kerrang kids are a joke, alot of the aberdeen music scene is a joke. Far too many people like bands that are nothing more than a musical trend with no creativity. I really dont give a fuck about aberdeen and it's scener twats anymore. This is why there are so many crap turnouts at alot of non profile bands, doesnt matter how talented they are only thing that matters to alot of you is some fucking feature in mtv/kerrang. You people need to get out more and hear alternate styles, this scene is so samey and a cliche. I really do feel sorry for the promoters that put on bands that have an alternate sound lets face it, you people dont appreciate what they do, alot of you will stick to your trend and not bother your asses to find out about new ideas musically. Even when i have tried to introduce new ideas on this forum with great bands such as oceansize, nine inch nails, tool, halo. You people show no interest and dont bother giving any feed back, yet when such utter crap like good charlotte or some other piece of shit band that has a profile, you all lap it up. It's not a promoter the aberdeen scene needs, its a puppet to the mtv/kerrang generation that feeds you all with a constant flood of shit that isnt musically challenging or creative.
  11. Napalm death are great shut your mouth you ass
  12. You disrepectfull little cunt, hope people laugh when you die so you can learn some respect
  13. Here is the whole picture of alot of you "people" on this forum. Seems to me that all you really care about regarding life is making financial gain. Anyone who thinks that life is money is a fool. Money means fuck all to me, possesion means fuck all to me, life aint about getting rich by any means possible, dont you people realise that money cant make you happy? Alot of you seem to think on this thread that money is everything. It's like hey fuck it, don't care how i get it aslong as it comes my way. Do any of you believe in morals? All i see this forum as is one big sceners hangout from the mtv/kerrang generation, there are some on here that dont go into that fad and i applaud them.
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