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Everything posted by rune

  1. Only good thing rick rubin does is make bands shit.
  2. FreshFruit For Rotting Vegetables Although did find their live sets so much better than the actual cd releases due to their spoken parts by jello biafra
  3. Sunn_O))) fucking rule, their noise is incredible
  4. http://www.filecabi.net/v/file/1118219367/wmv
  5. Corporations have too much power and can abuse people's rights. these assholes can bend the rules and do whatever they want. Proof of that is sony.
  6. This thread started off nice and friendly with people actually getting on, then the negative crap by the usual assholes came up again, i tried to be positive but some of you wont ever change ur ways, ill say it again the thread was about tool to play roskilde, it ended up in a slagging match again purely down to the fact other people went off topic in a negative fashion, well done you fucking assholes. If you want to reply to this you can but i'm done with this thread and the assholes that have destroyed it. Thanks for that you morons
  7. Your opinion has no place on this thread, looks like you only listen to yourself and don't put other people's opinions in regard, how selfcentered?
  8. This is going to be amazing, the album will be a mix of styles between lateralus and aenima. One track is 20 minutes long! Tool are currently working on a video, the album will retail in march. This is going to be awesome
  9. "nicely done min"?? Since when did the female gene refer to as min? Your lack of intellegence is clear, you may refer to my other reply for the rest, beligerint fucker
  10. That's a classic I really like rage against the machine's videos, most of them are very well done and have a very good message. The best of them would have to be bulls on parade
  11. the riaa and sony both use seriously underhanded tactics to get their means. These actions can be seriously questioned due to the fact that they are illegal. mirc has measures against the riaa and organisations that are protected by law. I believe sony and the riaa should be sued because they are infringing privacy laws and they are using hacking techniques to gain information
  12. going there would be the best thing ever
  13. hahahaaaa what a load of fucking shit, comparable with that crazy frog shit
  14. rune


    That site got disbanded due to their "new" more mainstream approach in their sound. So much for supporting their core fanbase that bought their cds. Fuck them
  15. seems to me that some "people" on this forum don't think it's the staff's job to find out about cancelled gigs. Heh, what's so wrong with staff enquiring about this when mr stewart does make an appearance? or just maybe they don't give a shit about people spending their money on gig ticket's that get postponed. Like i said, if they stated the gig was still on, they should of actually known what they were talking about rather than a "quick fix". Sure they were quick enough to take my cash, but in the end this gig and what has happened really didn't give a fuck to them, that's why they didn't bother finding out the truth from the source, looks like he don't give a fuck about people's gig money either. I didn't go into the shop and force them to say what they said. You people who don't agree with what i'm saying ask yourselves this "gee i guess they could have said oh sorry we don't know what the situation is" What's so wrong with coming out with that? Or is the truth so bad. Oh and ross, if you didn't know mr stewart does go into the shop to talk about gig news and what's happening, thus meaning he really doesn't go into shop. If you don't know what happens you really should stop this sad guessing game, so to imply that you actually think what does happen
  16. You don't have an argument. 1 - paul stewart visits the store on a regular basis 2 - They could of told me the truth and say they didn't know
  17. maybe he needs the cash to make him look more glossy. greedy cunt. They lost their ideals along time ago after they started churning out shit like achtung baby and the later. U2 were a good band that wrote creative music but they just dont do that now.
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