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Everything posted by HeinzHines

  1. Topic smopic richard.... but yes back to the real world it will be a great night, and the night after (project:ven-hell) will also be good..........??????????
  2. not as overated as cheese on a stick though, therefore.....gang of four win
  3. I shall be in contact over the coming week or so.....i'll talk to mini and shit aboot it.....by the way, check out the 'fucking absymal' post on the next page, i gave you a solid 10/10 burn on it last night......
  4. Mp3, thats the kind of talk thats bringing the music business down from the inside out..... If anything you need to BUY the best of britney, she is a class, class, class, class, act.....
  5. There could be a deal in that actually, now im onto super economy cars rather than gutsy whore fuel drinking cars, a deal could be done. we should talk, i could get us a place to stay in manchester aswell me thinks....... This is aimed at sharon and mini....... you all love me though..... i have proof...... does the dot thing get annoying?.....
  6. Nothing better than jerking yourself off......apart from a loud noise riot like project: ven-hell......
  7. And why are we so far down your list, damn you o beared one!!!(you are now off my x-mas card list) But on a real note, is the cd good? and will i be recieving a free copy?!!? mini says he will give head for a free copy, id take him up on the offer if i was you......
  8. Rikki is dead As for gang of four, who will have money for that? I think mini and sharon should pay my way.........
  9. Most people who dislike hip-hop havent even heard any real hip-hop, moan whine bitch.....bla bla bla.......hating music is wrong.........bla bla genres.......who cares? hate what you wanna hate......
  10. Who would have thought a simple question like 'do you like christian bands' would bring out such a heated debate?! This is so un christian of us, and near the birthday of our lord saviour, disgraceful.......
  11. Actually id like to nominate myself for most shagable male on the grounds that i have more than most men to shag.....not as in penis size as in huge man boobs and gut.....all you ladies want a piece.....and there is a piece for all you ladies to have......therefore i am the most shagable male.......
  12. Sounds like you want it more than i do....... *punch*
  13. It had to be Politik, cause i feel they could go places......if they kick mini out the band.....
  14. Project: Ven-Hell? Who the fuck are they? If mini is in that band i aint going to see them, he smells worse than the lumberjack shirt that adorns his back on so many occasions......
  15. What about that blond twat who once played with masamune?!
  16. Intended 'to the max, extreme' anyway, im getting off this thread cause talking about junkies reminds me of the good old days.........
  17. Yeah but you look fucking horrible bent over with your ass crack in my face.....
  18. Im only yours on tuesdays thursday and sundays, the rest of the week my mouth belongs to rikki from politik
  19. Worst type of music....mmm.....tough one.....i heard a band called the videos once........one of the members is obsessed by me.......true story. really though, ska and any metallicaish style 'metal' if thats what it is. Is eminem a genre? fucking hate him, all that emo kind of punkish rubbish gets on my tits.
  20. Im partial to a bit of O'happy day, if it is sung in the proper 'street' way (or in sister act 2, brings a tear to my eye)
  21. Unless your in the beatles, i hear they have made a bob or 2.........
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