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Everything posted by Smooth_groover

  1. I agree, it's sometimes hard to 'get going' in life when you see people getting an easy ride and doing nothing for it. Watching good bands in Drummonds etc inspires me to get my arse moving with the band I'm in at the moment. But apart from that, seeing people who have been dealt a rough hand in life but don't let it get to them also inpires me. I mean, I could be a lot worse off!
  2. Aye, went to see this last night. Amazing film, the noise the tripods made was a bit freaky hehe! Can't beat a good, dark film. His son should have died though.
  3. Tonight - Going to the No Quarter gig at The Tunnels Tomorrow - Working until 4 then fuck knows after that. Probably get some beers in.
  4. Come to think of it, I don't really want any of them to win. They are all a bunch of cunts in their own right.
  5. Thank fuck she's gone. She reminded me of a girl-ned who was in my class at St. Machar. Total mink.
  6. It's either too close to call, or something different is going to happen (double eviction?).
  7. Eh, whats going on with evictions tonight? I just switched it over at half nine to see who's out, but no-one yet! Are they just keeping it going until 10 or what?
  8. It's going to be weird sitting in the likes of Drummonds then having to say "right, I'm going out for a fag". Fair enough, banning smoking in public places can only be a good thing health wise, but for fuck sake! You can't beat a drink and a smoke while watching a good band. I can't anyway.
  9. The roughest bar I have ever been in was in Spain 2 years ago, I walked in and the barman said: "FUCK OFF" ! So I did.
  10. I've never actually been inside the place, but you can tell by looking at it that it's a rough pub.
  11. Haha, no thanks. I get enough shit from Martyn Kinda felt sorry for Conga though. EDIT: wait, no I didn't !
  12. I dinna think Eugene will last long though. He's far too shit.
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