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Everything posted by Smooth_groover

  1. I think Mr Casino was part of the group that 'abducted' Bertie the block and sent ransom notes to mannie nugent.
  2. Ah yes, I done a 'baker run' for him when I was there. Although, I 'ran' right past the baker and all the way home with his money But yeah, Mr Barbour is ace. He comes into my work sometimes to ask advice on cameras. Even though HE is the one that got me into photography when I was in 4th year!
  3. Okay, I work at Jessops down in Market Street and currently we have a large stock of second-hand photography equipment which is perfect for students about to embark on a photography course. So, if any of you are about to start a course, or even if you're just interested in photography, here is a short list of some of the used equipment we have at the moment: Pentax MX manual SLR body 110 Canon EOS 500n manual SLR body 63 Nikon F60 SLRmanual SLR body 72 Minolta Dynax 500si + Minolta 35-70mm AF SLR kit 81 Canon EOS 5 SLR body 156 Nikon D1X Pro Kit (digital) 1709 Nikon F5 Pro SLR body 680 Nikon F55 SLR + Nikon AF 28-80mm G lens 104 Olympus OM series T20 flash gun 32 Nikon SB50 DX flash gun 129 There is also a massive range of lenses, flash guns, vertical grips etc etc to choose from so if none of the above suits you, then we can put a 'kit' together for you. As I say, theres alot more in just now, but I cant be arsed listing everything . If you want me to keep any of the above items aside for you, PM me with your details. Cheers, Craig.
  4. Well yes I did, but that's a story for another day.
  5. No. I just watched him running out the door, screaming and holding onto his smoky leg.
  6. Either Physics or Biology, I can't remember which.
  7. I went to see El Presidente at the Lemon Tree a few months back and they were amazing. I would go to free at the dee just to see these guys live again. But im working.
  8. I used to go to St.Machar. Left in 1999. Mannie Spry is/was a shit hot drummer and his band 'The Jive Bombers' were amazing/shit. Anyone remember Mr Wildgoose? He quit after some pupil threw a beaker of boiling water over his gammy leg. Crazyness. Fun days, fun days.
  9. I used to drink Kestrel to take away the fear of being bullied at school. Oh ...
  10. Because of where I work and where I live, I have to get up at 6.30am most days of the week. I miss the days of being able to sleep for 12 hours solid and getting up whenever I want (being unemployed). Now I can't sleep for more than 6 hours a day
  11. I watched the repeats a few nights ago and yeah, I'm enjoying the show so far. I think they spoiled the show a bit by having a 'monster'. However, I'll hold complete judgement on that until the show develops a bit more.
  12. There was no popping or smoke etc. Whats happening now is, I'll be playing and all of a sudden the sound cuts off for about 10 seconds then comes back on again. And it keeps doing this every 15 minutes or so!
  13. To be quite honest, I'm not that technically minded
  14. After almost 6 years of heavy use, my bass amp packed in last night. I have/had a Laney HCM60B amp and last night, it simpy stopped working! I tried my guitar through my mates amp just to make sure it wasnt the guitar at fault. So, my question is - repair or replace? I'm not exactly sure what the fault is, I'm just not getting any sound whatsoever (and yes the volume is up). Is there a standard repair charge for amplifiers, or does it depend on parts needed? Also, does anyone know roughly what I can expect to pay for this? If I decide to go down the replacement route, can anyone recommend another amp? I would have a budget of about 400-450. It doesn't have to be another Laney amp - I would consider other brands. So, any ideas? Thanks in advance, Craig.
  15. I don't eat much chocolate but Kinder eggs were amazing. I dunno if they even still exist? So who collected all the Tini Terrapins?
  16. I wouldn't mind seeing El Presidente. Aberdeen-based bands? check out Mary Lied. Amazing.
  17. What a prick he was during the interview. "Oh yeah, I wouldn't have taken the 50 grand" FUCKING RIGHT YOU WOULD HAVE !
  18. True TPBM is watching the Big Brother Finale
  19. buh dum tshhhh "Ladies and gentleman - Keilan Knight" *Applauds*
  20. I work in Jessops down in Market Street. 5.13 an hour - shite! Me give you good deal - cheap price - cheap price!
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