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Everything posted by abi

  1. i used to have sea monkeys, but i added the food and most of them died, but i left it a while longer just to see, and two survived, i named them both lucien. there both dead now anyway.
  2. work bitching when u buy something, then go to another shop and find it cheaper, or if it goes on sale later on (although sometimes they'll refund the difference or whatever) moody, evil customers disrimination
  3. you rock. they are so unvelievably the best, gees, ive drooled all over my keyboard now...
  4. yeah id prefer a single hole, but i would like to try out the brown one, just to see.
  5. i suppose but it would still suck. i was told today that a lot of people arent actually homeless, pretending to be is their job, and its basically like making a proper "wage". i was also told this was in the papers a few weeks ago or something, and that they even have like selected times where they each get the spots where most money is made. but thats just what i was told.
  6. i was expecting something like that to happen!
  7. that scared me! i wish id read the rest of the thread before clicking on the link.
  8. abi

    ha ha ha ha

    this is highly comical.
  9. 33% emo, wow, thats a whole third...
  10. yeah we went into ottakers just for a meer glimpse. didnt bother waiting in the queue though. i had to have who he actually was explained to me though... ?(
  11. noo! not zeldda again! did i tell you its now complete?! i await cool guy "pete"'s addition to this thread then.
  12. i have recently heard of a band called 'red by choice' and i was just interested in hearing more. who was in it? what are they all doing now etc...
  13. i got stung by a wasp once. i honestly didnt know whether to laugh or cry. i was just young. the wasp didnt get a chance to re-sting. i killed it.
  14. abi

    5FD debut!!!

    Yes you guys bloody rocked! Specially fresh prince of bel air! Dee was ace in just a girl too.
  15. you are what you are. if other people cant accept it then its their problem. i dont have a problem with gay people. i think it wrong though that people are being gay to be "cool". like a while ago, girls were kissing their friends. it was like the done thing.
  16. i want to be a pirate!! aye. ar.
  17. abi

    palm mute

    that has actually really helped. especially the pictures. doesnt seem too hard once its explained buti will have to give a go. if anybody has anymore advice i would be glad to here it. thanks!!!
  18. abi

    palm mute

    that kinda helped but im still absolutly hopeless...your right hand here left hand there....i have a headache now! but thanks all the same
  19. abi

    palm mute

    thanks anyhoo leckie gilman
  20. abi

    palm mute

    no im sorry, still dont really understand. could you possibly put it into simpler terms, im not all that great at my music techniques
  21. abi

    palm mute

    please help me...im desperate! i do not have a clue what it is??
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