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Everything posted by beeker

  1. thats who i meant - whoops. should have checked the kitchen cupboard first!!
  2. teddy ruxbin fan , and around the world with filias fogg. used to like that one. racoons, gummi bears, The best thing about old cartoons was the theme tunes, nowadays they are just shite, but back in teh day they really put some thought into the tunes. bas: dum dum dum dudu dum dum dum ... fraggle rock beginning.!
  3. non-alcoholic: the bottom juice left in a calipo ice lolly Alcoholic: JD and blue WKD (not together but rated evenly)
  4. nah, there'd be no social Kudos in that. not worth the effort. same as outing reddists.
  5. no, none of his friends are married or divorced!.
  6. guy walks into his local in aberdeen and sees george bush and donald rumsfeldt in a corner. he walks up and says it is a pleasure to see such distinguished gentleman in this bar, what are you discussing. bush says we are discussing how to start ww3. its a choice between blowing up 3 million muslims or a blonde bird with big tits man says what do you want to blow up a blonde bird for?? rumsfeldt says see no one gives a toss about muslims
  7. title promised so much and delivered so little. still tho, 'Mon the beaver!.
  8. Hmm, k i missed the supah quick joke. i'm sure it was funny tho. Yes - I do see the point in that. What is your satire, may be another persons racism thats what I am getting at. Just because you see something like a film about niggers and slavery satirical as do I, some other people may see it as racist. I'm sure chinese people would laugh at Bux's joke, just as much as they would laugh about the irish papershop that blew away. Point I am trying to make is you seem so high and mighty that your opinion is the only opinion. It's not, it's far too PC.
  9. ok, can you give me an example of what you class as ok satire and pure racist filth?
  10. I'm not too PC myself but I still wouldn't treat anyone differently for their colour or religion. Some jokes just are funny, it's the poeple who do treat others differently that are the true racists. Nothing wrong with a good 'satirical' joke or two...
  11. Is it a competition between neil and daveofficer to be the most Politically Correct. Look at how well Chris Rock has done with his brand of racist comedy - i remember him telling a joke about how pool is racist cos it ends with the white ball potting the black. is he being racist towards the whites? are you going to codemn him?! (the joke was in a film if i remember rightly) You two need to live a little and stop tip-toeing around.
  12. i've fallen/been puished in that pond a few times. it's well rank - good for tadpoles however! haha!
  13. how does he do the time-delay- esque bit - thats well impressive!... kudos to the young loon!
  14. time to get an arnie soudboard i think!..... "yeah, " "first i want to ask you a bunch of questions, and i want to have them answered immediately" .....
  15. beeker


    you dancer - looks like i'll be watching neighbours again - didn't she do playboy too.. *hunts google images*
  16. Dodgy Alright geezer! Fancy yourself as a bit tasty? It may be against the law, but what they don't know won't hurt 'em eh? We know your heart's in the right place but watch out or that place may be a 3 to 5 stretch in Pentonville with 'Mad' Frank, Harry the Horse and 'Wristy' Rich Richardson. Based on your answers, we have calculated the maximum penalty for your crimes*: Years in prison: 47 Potential fine: 5000 *Please note this is just a fun quiz so don't be alarmed by your score! The maximum penalty has been taken for each crime and no consideration for scale of crime committed.
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