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Everything posted by beeker

  1. oh for fuck sake. No, because that would be considered to be expected. It's a factutal statement and not a derogatory one. It's a nickname now deal with it and get off your "un-pc" high horse.
  2. "ginger bastard" or others involving the obvious ginger slant. Wow. very perceptive you son of a motherless goat.
  3. Carlos?! they all look more like achmeds. But fair play. Ethnic is the name i shall continue to use. They make the finest smoked sausages in town! by a country mile.
  4. Well we dont all live within walking distance of town princess! and the hooly van doesn't count as a chauffer service!
  5. sorry - it's just the term i use for the chipper on belmont street as I dont know it's actual name.
  6. i'd a friend who met someone on the bus back from Dundede while we were at Uni. He sat next to her on teh bus and was like, well this could be awkward or we could chat. She ended up being a really good laugh and manys a times her group of mates and mine met in the Aberdeen Uni (cos back in the day when RGU's one was shit). Inkster - have you any tales to tell?
  7. you mean talking to a random on a bus. man thats pretty random.
  8. ok, lets pretend i said "Unusual" happy now?.
  9. Was in the Malt Mill last weekend for a drink with a couple of mates and Easily Led happened to be playing (didn't know who they were so didn't actually go to see them specifically). Anyway, there was a jack russell dog wandering about the place the whole night. Wasn't interested in the music and more interested in teh salt n vinegar square crisps that i bought from the ethnic chipper previously! haha. Anyone else have some random things happen at 'gig's. beeker.
  10. Next you'll be shouting - " i dont beleeeeeeeeeeeev it." ya stick in the mud although a packed exodus and 5 deep at the bar is no laughing matter.
  11. doesn't look too bad to me. check dell/compaq out for comparable systems and prices tho.. is this brand new yeah? also europc.co.uk do a bit of searching first!
  12. aye tesco are selling them for 595 and you get a free dvd: That'll be the day starring Ayer Maw and his brother - Inter Yermaw
  13. you all dont know how lucky you are!!... anyone studying at RGU in St.Andrews Street should spend most of their time in ambassador - we did and it did us the world of good. larger measures, Sky TV and pool tables!! jackpot!! I went to liquid last friday and it scared me, I was sober.. doh!
  14. level 5 - move the little black box first.. you want to move the red box up left down then right then up into the blue box. leave the blue one where it is.,.you'll get it in the end.
  15. any female suffering particularly bad period pains.... set them loose!
  16. terrorism = murder : jail term should be life with no parole!
  17. http://members.aol.com/Valdes379/EmoGame.html
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