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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Everything posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. Well I just mortgaged myself to the hilt (pretty tough with my credit rating), and saved for months, but eventually I attained it, now everyone bow down before the might of my Behringer graphic equaliser 16 quid chat, yowzah indeed. I just need a little boost, thats all. Slightly more seriously I got a good value Ashdown 60W solid state amp for 130 last year, and it sounds good enough to take me to the next amp I get. Also bought for my use, but not by me is one of those ART tube preamps they have in Sound Control for 40, which warms up recorded tones a bit. Theres loads of stuff that I want but apparently Glasgow Central Sound Control has a guy that can knock up analogue pedals, so I want a Phaser built into a wah to enable foot control of phase rate, for mind melting wig out bits. That would be the best.
  2. I am as fond of, um, this that and the other as anyone, but lets face it, most drug stories are boring. except for that time when I had a heap of acid........
  3. Scars? was that the punk bloke with a Ghengis Khan-esque topknot? I was only 12 when I first went in, so it was scary a bit, but also one of the coolest places I had ever seen up to that point.
  4. Firstly, Viva 1Up, best in town, I first went there in 1983 when it was on Rosemount Viaduct. 1st purchase? 'I am, I'm Me' by Twisted Sister on 7", it has always been the only recordshop with musical integrity in town, back then the only real competition was from the Other Record Shop, apart from that there was Woolies branches, the aforementioned Telemech and Thistle Records down Ashvale Place (I don't count Newmarket Tapes) Secondly though, Fopp has been good, essentially through correct charging for back catalogue. A fiver for an old album that long since redeemed the cost of its recording is a fair price for all concerned. The Aberdeen Markies branch used to have good vinyl and I bought many a thing there, and anything that allows other stores to charge up to a tenner for old catalogue is sheer robbery, and cannot be countenanced. So I hope it stays open, Fuck Beardo Branson, the man is obviously some kind of sociopath anyway. I will check the Byres Rd branch and report back.
  5. Why, it was full of fat cover bands and other really funny looking fuckers, oh wait... that sounds funny. Yeah I miss reading the AUBL.
  6. Drunk!!? that I can do anywhere, this is a matter of connosieurship. Have heard of Paradiso, will argue for it.
  7. Coz Brendan our beloved Chanteur is getting married and we are going mob handed to the city of Liberal Decadance. I don't wann hear about Whooring or any of that sordid shite, just the Maash Anyone who wants to come over all arsey about this can just fuck off now, I'm not interested. Also, has anyone been to the Rembrandtshuis, cos thats on my list.
  8. I preferred them when they were glam rockers, well 2 of them were, wait dammit, so was I! (flees)
  9. Wow, 16 pages generated from what was, essentially, a pretty funny joke. With honourable exceptions, few people picked up on this and rushed to resume lionising/lambasting the "scene". Did the not that subtle pun on AUBL , or the Lord of the Rings schtik not give it away instantly. So then, from the works of Robert Anton Wilson, this pearl of wisdom. "Think about how dumb the average person is, mathematically at least half of them are dumber than that." The ramifications for the future are frightening.
  10. Oh yes, I preferred the early to mid 90s version. In an ahem 'fictional' story, why not try taking acid at midnight, best last hour ever.
  11. Remember to keep all dogs away from the Music Hall when Queensryche are on as the pitch of Geoff Tates voice may cause them distress; the queen of the REIIIIIIIIIIIICH ( cue glasses breaking etc), try looking up photos from their pseudo glam Rage for Order period. (best album too).
  12. MMm, thats a fresh new name for a Monday night event in Aberdeen, how did y'all think it up. Better yet why not have one on a Friday called the Escape Club, **** beep, alert, just revealed my cultural age, beep*** Aberdeen had a venue called the Venue once y'know, *** argh, I'm outta here.
  13. ...Is the obvious opening line here. Yes my pitiful looking myspace is running and you can hear selected highlights from my back catalogue!! I'll have new stuff on there eventually, but I'll have to write it first. I would have put this in feedback forum, but I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT ANYONE THINKS. Sorry, my inner rage just resurfaced at an innappropriate time. s'later. www.myspace.com/vivaelmondragon
  14. I declare that I am a fully authorised Pope. I would be a Dischordian, except that either no-one really is, or everyone is. um, Hail Eris etc.
  15. Go speak to Sandy the proprietor, we played there about 5 times, no promoters, it was ace.
  16. Ace band, great tune. Both albums are available on one disc with added live stuff, I got it for a fiver at Byres Rd Fopp, mid 2005. best quote "We're playing like a bunch of old wankers tonight"
  17. I laughed like a drain at this one, ha ha Brendan, kill kill. Any more of these?
  18. Yes, there was. Quite a good night really, kept off the excess red wine, was able to play, unlike our recent barfly gig, oocha min.
  19. I just got a box of Terry's All Gold for Xmas-all Dark, well fine.
  20. 'Nova Scotia: new Scottish speculative fiction' mainly sci-fi, short stories, ace, especially "Pisces Ya Bas" by Gavin Inglis- ..."Fuck off out of ma pond" indeed.
  21. Yes by one day we manage to play the mighty deen, come see.
  22. I once got turfed out for hiccuping, which was a bit rich I thought, on the other hand I once got refused entry for being over-pished, but I stood and POLITELY argued my case for an hour (I was amused by my own smart arsedness I think), and eventually got in for the last half hour. I think the key factor was POLITELY. One of my cardinal rules in life is that it is not worth winding up people in black uniforms (well maybe goths then).
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