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Everything posted by FatHand

  1. I've just put a new Ghost of Bongo song on the Jukebox, let me know if you like it. If no one does I'll put something else up!
  2. Oh yeah, what you should also do is either get some experience in hospital (get a couple of days worth of shadowing, work in ancillary role) or just get to know the hierarchy - from porters to consultants. Everyone who works in a hospital is equally important to the smooth running of it so understanding roughly what each job involves and how they interact with each other is something that can be brought into any number of answers to questions. It will show a depth of knowledge and give them the impression that you are thinking beyond the 5 year course and into your career and also shows effort beyond you're academic ability.
  3. Can you make your songs downloadable so I can listen at work. Don't know why it won't let me listen otherwise. Won't do any harm people having your songs anyway!
  4. http://www.thedelimagazine.com This site is good
  5. How can you make money or get any satisfaction out of your music if you won't let your peers listen to it for a start and secondly offer their opinion/the chance to pass it on to friends? If you are selling it, you obviously want people to hear it, why not us?
  6. What is the record called and do you have a myspace/purevolume..... for a sample?
  7. One of the most important things you can prepare for your interview, and something they will ask, is what attracts you to the medical course of the university you have an interview for. This is an question you can really have a stock answer for - it needs to be memorised to the point where you don't have to think about it. Speak to someone who is doing the course and find out the structure, the pros and cons of learning in that particular way. Take your time to think through your answers, this looks good, and don't be afraid to lead the interviewers into asking you questions that you can give good answers to. They also like to know you have other interests outside of academics as this shows you are a well rounded person. My Aberdeen interview, where I accepted a place, was a friendly and as relaxed as an important interview can be. Glasgow was rubbish.
  8. What aspects of your personality would make you a bad doctor? I got asked this in my Glasgow interview. I think I fucked it up after telling them I had no bad qualities and that my personality and academic ability were completely compatible with the vocation. I no longer study medicine, having a shitty job and playing music is much more satisfying!
  9. I feel so relaxed now after listening to memory man. My hangover has disappeared. Phew:)
  10. very punctual. folds up and fits in your pocket as well
  11. Cheers guys! We ended up using a robot to play the drums. I thought he lacked a little imagination but the other guys were quite happy! Hey Big D, your bro gave me your number but only got it this morning. Never mind, it would have been fun. Maybe another time.
  12. Possibly resigned to the drum machine now One last chance before I leave work - music and beer - you have 45 minutes! Colin
  13. Like the sight - straight to the point. I have a friend who does freelance photography and her sight is very similar, check it out: http://www.janestockdale.co.uk/ Check out the pictures of the Hoff (genuine)
  14. Good music and free beer, what more could a drummer want????
  15. Right, this is a last minute request for a drummer to have a jam with us tonight. The band is Ghost of Bongo, and we have a rare chance to practice but no drummer tonight. I have booked musical vision from 6 - 9 and we would ideally like a minimum of 2 hours practice out of that. If you are a drummer and fancy jamming with us for free (not pay anything for practice and we throw in a few beers), then please let me know. If you like the sound of this but don't know if you'd like the music check out our tunes on http://www.myspace.com/ghostofbongo. We also have a tune called sunlight redeemed on the Jukebox.
  16. Start buying off all the shit chain bars and turn them into a "Drummonds" bar. They will all have to look exactly the same though.
  17. Try Vision Express. I got a fairly expensive pair that are comfortable and paid a one off 20 fee for an insurance card. I recently broke my glasses and they replaced them for free. They replace scratched lenses as well. If you are anything like me, you will find this a good deal!
  18. In that case, it was somewhere that is also very accessable so there should have been no problem - I'm sure Rune looks at the gig diary and gig anouncments on this site as well, just to cover all bases.
  19. Read in the context of the thread, I was only pointing out to someone that there is a lot of diverse music on in Aberdeen and looking at something like the GC guide is useful. There is a large list of bands on this site with links to their website/myspace allowing you to hear what they sound like, which is nice. I'm really sorry you missed a gig because it wasn't listed, I'm sure that if it wasn't in the GC guide, it wasn't anywhere else either.
  20. Why not start a thread about your ideas? I'm sure people would be happy listen and contribute ideas of their own. Thats more proactive than tempting people into an arguement that can never be resolved. Music is about bringing people together after all.
  21. Check out the GC guide to see the diverse bands and music you can see in a month. There is a large list of Aberdeen bands on the site and I'm sure most of them will have a myspace where you can listen to their tunes. Do a bit of research and you will find what you are looking for.
  22. You can't beat a bit of classical music. Some of the most exciting experiences I've had performing have been in Orchestra's and Concert bands. There is a different sort of intensity and energy that is created in these types of concerts. Also, classical doesn't mean that the music can't be contemporary. It might encourage people to think about how different sorts of instruments could be worked into performances. If I can make it I will come along for sure.
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