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Everything posted by FatHand

  1. Enjoyed these vids... not really watched them as I'm "at work" but the music is good! Which one are you Frosty?
  2. Cheers for the feedback, glad at least a couple of you are digging it. The next batch of tracks are going to be slightly different again with a greater emphasis on live instrumentation, and they'll be quite brass heavy. There are plans for live shows within the next 4 months once we have developed the new tracks enough and worked out the orchestration. Live performances will use all the breaks along with vocals/MPC/beatbox/scratch DJ/brass/strings/bass/percussion etc ... The idea is that any combination of musicians can be used, it'll make shows flexible and pretty dynamic for fans - never the same twice.
  3. I did know it When are the Leonard Jones tracks available?
  4. Taco & The Sharpies | Aberdeen, UK | Hip Hop / Funk / French | Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos | ReverbNation Looking for a bit of feedback and trying and generate a bit of interest on the new group I'm working with called Taco & the Sharpies. We're releasing our first three tracks on 17th Letter... you can check them out (and download for free if you like it) from the above ReverbNation account. It'd be cool if some of you could give it a listen and say what you think about it. Bio: "Taco & the Sharpies debut E.P Line of Feeling due for release in May under 17th Letter was sparked from the imagination of talented French MC and producer Taco. The smooth bilingual flows and soulful vocals fuse with a potent blend of Hip Hop, Funk, Jazz and Soul to great effect. Preferring live instrumentation over sampling, Tacos backing comes from The Sharpies consisting of 17th Letters in-house brass section BrassCat Juniors, violin and female vocals from Karen Henderson, Tom Wheeler on bass and a formidable rhythm section in Tuntablist DJ Rasteri and Beats Technician / Human Beatboxer Quest."
  5. Good video. In terms of the track it's polished and reasonable, vocals are decent but find the synths a bit too "clubby" in sound. I'm sure as the band progresses so will the sound, it's a hard genre to pull off well I think. But overall not bad.
  6. Cheers man, we've been working hard on the EP. Hope everyone likes it! Lets hear what you think...
  7. Lob da man in sea The Americans might just have been reading too much into his name.
  8. That's a great price. All my money is tied up at the moment otherwise I'd have been seriously considering it. Hope you get it sold
  9. I've just made my donation/membership payment. Keep up the good work! I'm away for 3 weeks holiday but plan on coming down and joining in with music as much as possible. Got a few combos that could work, just need to check up on power options for instruments that need amplified a bit. Also pulling together a few tracks with the Brass Cat Juniors in a sort of New Orleans brass band style which is always good outside
  10. Bin Laden's men were shocked to hear the news of their leader's death. Nobody ever takes a Bin out on a Bank Holiday.
  11. I'm not really into the apple vs the world arguments, just going to give a run down of pros and cons of iPhone 4 the way I see it. Pros: It has a great camera, especially for video, the microphone picks up loud music surprisingly well and I've recorded practices and videoed gigs with happy results. Internet is fast when hooked into WiFi. It's pretty straightforward phone to use. I have some apps that I find useful and fun, 4 track recorder, angry birds, various synths, banking, paypal, dropbox, vimeo (pretty sure these are all available on other phones too) Cons: You have to have an app for pretty much everything due to flash not being supported. You can't download stuff onto your phone directly from an email or mediafire type hosting sites - example is say you have a mixdown of a track you have sent yourself and you want to listen to it as part of your music library you can't. It downloads within an email and plays it in Quicktime. That is really a major gripe for me, I don't always want to have to go back into my emails and search for a track, perhaps there is another fucking app for that too that I've missed. "An app for everything" is not great, it takes up memory on my phone when you could equally just be using a website and one piece of software that has multiple functions. Ultimately most phones do the same things these days and compared with my last Sony Eriksson I have had no bother with this one at all.
  12. Reminder for anyone who is interested... this is tonight!
  13. Thought you were busy! Too busy for maths it seems. I like your hat
  14. Probably better you stay out all night and wake up randomly somewhere else! Looking forward to this! Hope more folk turn up than the last Optimo. It's the only club night I have to go to.
  15. haha, amazing. But totally worth it! I also have the electro and it's just about the best thing I have ever bought. I had a Roland RD170 before that, full stage piano, midi etc. I think you could pick one of these fairly cheaply... I may sell, although hadn't really considered it before now.
  16. It's a wonky Ren and Stimpy style tit
  17. Come along to our night in musa this Sunday. It's similar vibe but funk junk instead of jazz
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