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Everything posted by imprinted

  1. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3200: Nokia6260/2.0 (3.0448.0) SymbianOS/7.0s Series60/2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Ooh ooh! Was it that bastion of literature and integrity the notw?
  2. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3200: Nokia6260/2.0 (3.0448.0) SymbianOS/7.0s Series60/2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) Is this the point where i bring up the fact that i don't actually know my parents at all? The non birdman is correct. That was a pretty limp wristed attempt at a comeback.
  3. Chimaira - Painting the White to Grey
  4. Get in Line del and play the game properly.
  5. I'm sure he'll be along shortly. I also hope people realise that this is done purely out of boredom from this morning speaking with some friends and isn't meant to be completely detrimental to the catholic church and the now deceased pope john paul II... if not you're all fucking stupid and deserve a kick in the teeth.
  6. well It was a bit pointless putting that answer up then I'll get to work making some more tomorrow
  7. a bit late for that reply rach my dear!
  8. great to see this thread still hasn't died - keep it up!
  9. by the looks of the join up dates...about 9 months before you?
  10. the time to mourn has past. now get working on piutting your favourite dead pontiff into some crazy situations!
  11. like the fact that it's based on the evil dead films. excellent stuff. great song as well.
  12. one of the most horrible images I've ever thought of in my life.
  13. because it's generally full of people that are more pleasant and fun to be with than moshulu or exodus...
  14. http://www.myspace.com/zero29484 add me you horrible creatures. please.
  15. they'd be as well. It's got an unnaturally high level of wrestling fans.
  16. cloud. why? because I can. and has all the tiger skin thong/poncho stuff died down? bring it baaaaaaaaaaaaaack! yay!
  17. depends on how bad a monkey fart smells. is it nice or nasty?
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