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Everything posted by imprinted

  1. my first girlfriend's still obsessed with them - she went to all their uk gigs this year so far and got to meet them. needless to say when she won the competition there were much tears and screaming from her...hehehe
  2. can buy camp in big bottles at my work
  3. odds on it being dropped at delivery due to the midwife recoiling in horror from the ugly mass in front of her? I say even odds.
  4. There's a video on the page giving you sounds clips.
  5. Wozzy's good - doesn't have the net just now but he's just sent me a message asking if i want to go see SYL in london in June. If I don't have exams - fuck aye! The Warsaw Pact(Ion Storm) thing was a great laugh. Callum's right - we ought to do something like that again sometime! more than just "For Whom The Bell Tolls" though!
  6. it meets my approval. yes.
  7. wrong. incorrect. off-target. they were funny as well as good.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=4366541690
  9. Wirelessly posted (Nokia3200: Nokia6260/2.0 (3.0448.0) SymbianOS/7.0s Series60/2.1 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.0) More like a negative ! Most of us don't have that line of money to spare.. True story.
  10. Ryan - I don't think Frosty's having a go at christianity per se - more the scary evangelism stuff.
  11. bwahahahaha - I recommended the exact same pedal to Hog over MSN! also been looking at www.stompboxx.com and www.killerpedals.com
  12. guilty as craig and charlotte usually mix tapes (still haven't got round to uprating the stereo!) but Helmet, Apartment 26 and Aphex Twins faster stuff usually get me hammering it through the country roads!
  13. If you've made things worse just click under the bed. muchly satisfying to use.
  14. just don't click under the bed or you're going to make things a LOT worse.
  15. I managed to get them all cured. took aaaaaaaages though
  16. I've had to deal with the cretins at o2 as well. all I was asking for was a page online for existing customers telling them the price of the upgrades for them. this was after being told that the 50 phone i wanted "was for new customers" and that if I wanted it i'd have to pay 150 for it, cheers mate - really appreciating your loyal customers alright. not too much to ask is it? I received the same template email (which gives the incorrect number to call incidentally) for 2 weeks solid. I've given up and when the contract terminates again I won't be going back.
  17. i can't feel my legs.
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