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Everything posted by imprinted

  1. yes they are - especially when you hurt them. that pictures now the background on my phone! seems to creep people out for some reason...
  3. christ i remember that! first time i met so so many people that i class as good friends now and that's still one of the funniest memories I have of the evening.
  4. looked a bit shit before he quoted it too...
  5. Imprinted wants to know: Is it because you're boggin'?
  6. cheers keilan - I'm just grabbing everything I can for a friend who's been desperately hunting something like this down for an age.
  7. No worries Hog - just gimme a message whenever you're needing help!
  8. seconded. I mean I don't usually take more than 4 out with me at a time so how can I lose them ALL?
  9. link david? doesn't nero require you to burn them all to CD first?
  10. does anyone have one of these - i'm just wanting something that can just do it straight away without having to do all sorts of extra stuff...can't be done with using cubase and drawing up markers or using soundforge.
  11. called axiomatic - tickled my ear buds and said I'd do a favour and let some more people hear them http://www.myspace.com/axiomatic
  12. imprinted


    not really rach if they go "is your MSN playing up tonight?" and put a date on it...
  13. ace! you've got strongbad! here's mine:
  14. what time do the doors open? claire's been playing heaps recently and i need to catch her. plus I can heckle tav-JOY!
  15. No Problem - gimme a shout with what you're wanting, what you've got and any idea's you had and I'll see what I can do
  16. well there's that as well - but it was a great way to clear out all the old games i didn't like
  17. So he'd be "Foighting Round the Wuurrrlld!" then?
  18. and more importantly - don't forget that 50Gb HDD... i.e 50,000Mb of space - how much are you for a 32Mb memory card for the PS2? and any complaints about that controllers being too big are null and void since the new controllers are a lot smaller (mind you I actually liked the huge old controllers!) it says something when I sold my Xbox on the friday and by friday night i regretted it, and with the money I had from selling it, bought a new one on saturday afternoon after work...
  19. wouldn't the world have rejoiced if he'd done that?
  20. never fainted and I regularily donate blood. must be lucky!
  21. You're training to be a teacher and you're asking people on a messageboard for help?!
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