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Larsen B

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Everything posted by Larsen B

  1. The music that the DJs are gonna play sounds pretty sweet.
  2. This was on BBC Four on Friday, and you can watch on the BBC iplayer
  3. Oh good, my duty has been discharged and I won't need to go to this...I might though.
  4. Well there's a mix of some great stuff and some fairly panny crap on that.
  5. I enjoyed the game very muchily, but sitting in the Main Stand had to stifle my delight at the goals. Fantastic first touch for Robson, but I wish Naylor would stop touching free kicker taker's bums.
  6. I hate Holy Fuck. I've never heard them, but I hate bands with crap lame blunt names which include swear words. So Fuck Buttons, and Dance Bastards lose too.
  7. They're okay, and I admire the fact that they don't treat being middle class as something of which to be guilty. However, from what I've heard the whole afro-pop thing has been blown out of all proportion. Much of their music could be described as pretty standard mid-noughties indie pop.
  8. According to their myspace Foxface aren't playing this anymore. Shame.
  9. Talking Heads - More Songs About Buildings and Food
  10. I'm only putting in the ones which made sense How am I feeling today? Auf Der Maur - Would If I Could (I'm feeling unable to do...something?) What is the story of my life? Malcolm Middleton - A Happy Medium What is/was highschool like? Echo and the Bunnymen - Simple Stuff (It was easy for a clever clogs like me) What is the best thing about me? Sparklehorse - King of Snails (I have a royal insect title) What is in store for this weekend? ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead - Ode to Isis (Some Egyptian goddess worshipping it seems) How is my life going? Belle and Sebastian - You're Just a Baby (Slowly then) What song will they play at my funeral? Roxy Music - Re-make/Re-Model (Perhaps this means I'll be reincarnated) What do my friends really think of me? The National - Lucky You (They think I'm fortunate) Do people secretly lust after me? The Go-Betweens - You Can't Say No Forever (Can't be secret if I've had the opportunity to say no)
  11. Belle and Sebastian - Winter Wooskie Darlene Love - White Christmas Manic Street Preachers - Door To the River Joy Division - Day of the Lords Pretty Girl Make Graves - The Magic Hour (only the second time I've listened to this song)
  12. Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks. Slightly tenous because it isn't specifically about the underground, but Waterloo station is a terminus for the underground I believe.
  13. What a great haul! (Not including the Driveby Truckers...and the National's self-titled is a bit iffy too)
  14. Hahaha, that was actually quite funny.
  15. I hope your opponent (be he/she human or CPU) powerbombed you through the top of cell and then two tables... and then managed to climb down and get in the ring in time and pin you, and hopefully it was part of season mode and you lost the title you big rude so and so.
  16. Worth I download, yeah, you thievin scum. I agree with Dave about the plot, and for a musical the songs were very unmemorable. I didn't like Johnny Depp in it either, he was a bit one-dimensional, although I guess that was kind of intentional. Overall it was OK, but nothing great, and even visually Burton I thought it was underwhelming, I mean Burton was hardly challenging himself.
  17. I missed the gig because i missed my bloody bus. I wish I had been there to fight back with more silence.
  18. That's what I found a big odd about the film. I thought it was good, although I expected it to be more stylisitcally striking.
  19. I was about to ask what sort of tit would go to this, but that question has been answered satisfactorily already.
  20. British Sea Power - Open Season, but you have to be driving in the country and the weather must be fair at least
  21. Fuck me! I thought they had more of reputation going than that. I might have gone were I not skint.
  22. Like being "rock" is a good thing in itself. Don't disagree with you about all these bands being dire though.
  23. They sound ok to me, but I have a friend who i think might like them who I want to take along just to try to ween him off Poison the Well.
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