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Everything posted by Alexandra

  1. Ps. Raw or boiled, won't having an egg thrown at your face hurt? With all the shell and stuff...
  2. She can't have one rule for herself and a different one for you. So yes, just talk to her and tell her you were really looking forward to your friends coming and it's all planned and sorted, so they ARE coming to stay because it is just as much your flat as hers. If she objects, tell her you don't want her friends there. If she is allowed to tell you that you aren't allowed people over, then you have the same right. Just don't back down.
  3. I just read through the list.. I haven't seen any of those things. Maybe I don't watch enough tv.
  4. Haha. Fantastic. I have never fallen asleep standing up before, fallen asleep in the bath though.
  5. I am a little bit Irish. I spent the night of St Paddy's day in an Irish bar in the centre of Copenhagen. The danish went a bit crazy over the whole thing, was good fun though. I have never been asked to; "Kiss me I'm Irish!" So many times in one night before. I have no idea what St Patrick did though.
  6. What doesn't he believe? I've never watched one foot in the grave.
  7. I find that it doesn't matter how little sleep I get, as long as I stay busy I feel fine and awake. It is when I'm sitting down doing nothing, like watching tv, or on the bus or something that I find it hardest to stay awake. I too, find myself laughing a lot. Usually at nothing.
  8. I'm sure I will get in trouble for saying this, but.. Who is Richard Wilson?
  9. It REALLY worries me that I have the highest score so far.. I'm meant to be thick/common senseless.
  10. Are their voices in the game? Ie, Kiefer's SEXY voice?!
  11. Silly. You shouldn't ever post your mobile number, or any kind of phone number on an internet message board, ANYONE could get hold of it... (I don't want to sound like a bitch, I'm just pointing it out for your own good.)
  12. "You scored 16/17. You have what it takes to be an extreme survivor! Reward yourself with a Gloria Gaynor 'I Will Survive' T-shirt, and feel free to taunt the predatory animal of your choice" I got the dying of dehydration question wrong. Pretty good, for a woman, though.
  13. Haha. I remember almost choking on my drink when you said that. I was expecting him to get pissed off because you were slagging him off, not reply with; "oh, muchos gracias, muchos gracias". lolzerz!1!111rofl. I kind of miss taking the piss out of them.
  14. Oh, I think you'll do as your told. I'm very persuasive. Hey James, isn't your msn box flashing?
  15. If you watched 24, you'd understand. (maybe) I'm still going to make you losers come over and watch ALL the episodes from the first series. I PROMISE you'll be hooked after only a couple. We can start soon.
  16. They should make it 3D. Then I'd buy it. Then it'd be almost like Jack Bauer was really real. I think I love him more than a person should love a non real person. This all makes more sense in my head.
  17. I'm not really sure why I thought that.. Club Tropicana just sounds gay? no?
  18. I hate it when I'm not right. You'd think I'd be used to it by now eh?
  19. I thought it was a gay bar. Proves how much I know.
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