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Demon Of The Fall

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Everything posted by Demon Of The Fall

  1. early paradise lost anything by my dying bride and pretty much most doom and black metal bands really
  2. opeth! i assume some arcturus is out of the question?
  3. Death metal growls can really help give meaning to a song. Sometimes they sound so cold and blunt you can almost feel it. Lots of bands simply wouldnt be as good without them. Its also really not easy to do (it involves the use of your stomach muscles really) and Ross has totally nailed it really, it adds some darkness and bluntness I feel it only adds to the song in a positive way
  4. i have been listening to this for a while now and its fucking ace. the vocals sound very much like paradise lost (gothic era) ross really does know how to write a fucking song!
  5. having to carry dayeth up the stairs in his house, put him to bed and then remove his contact lenses. i seem to recall most of that night was alright though
  6. true, its bloody good TPBM thinks however that dayeth is a twat
  7. i just found this by mistake http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=viewImage&friendID=22209823&imageID=161886504&Mytoken=20050727074145 small world huh?
  8. ok THATS the worst thing you have ever come out with ever
  9. ^^ his dad "aye...eh......erm.....mmm...eh...aboot...ehh....toooo....mm...eh....aye....." a true mumbling genius
  10. that could very well be the worst thing i have ever heard scott...
  11. if theres grass on the pitch...
  12. they're alright i suppose.. TPBM thinks the new opeth album is better than getting 10 blow jobs
  13. Anyone else heard it? Its fucking great. A progression from the stuff they were doing with deliverance and damnation with a lot of porcupine tree style rock parts but also plenty of those fantastic technical riffs from previous albums. Mikael Akerfeldts voice only seems to be getting stronger as time goes on, his growl is more icy cold whilst he can still chill your spine with his haunting warm and soft clean vocals. Sheer genius! I suggest you all buy it when it comes out in august
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