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Demon Of The Fall

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Everything posted by Demon Of The Fall

  1. i forgive them, but i end it as well. if they are going to cheat on you and be fully aware that it will really hurt you they aint worth the hassle.
  2. four tet - rounds Arcturus - La Masquerade Infernale Pelican - March Into the Sea Ep Peccatum - Lost in Reverie Edge of Sanity - Crimson
  3. im sure we'll all end up getting the megabus because hiring a private bus to glasgow would be plain stupid since we would have to pay a lot more than on a 3 megabus anyway....opeth 2 times in the space of 2 months
  4. ooooooooo e-mail me. i have been looking for somthing like this this a while
  5. i dont really listen to a lot of it but i do enjoy eyehategod and old man gloom
  6. manchester in sept and glasgow in november....fucking ace
  7. they just added me on myspace. i havent looked yet though
  8. good call. i still cant belive cathedral toured with them. that one one half fantastic gig
  9. i just signed up. everyone in my year on there are twats
  10. Mastodon - Blood And Thunder anything by trivium
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