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Everything posted by ben_1903

  1. ...well i have heard it. It rules. Highlights - broken beat and scarred; the judas kiss, and all nightmare long
  2. I wasn't really a fan of slipknot before volume3 - which rules. I haven't heard the new album yet... And the blackening is one of machine heads best albums!? It's superb!
  3. Fantastic, not just the silly accent, but he actually uses incorrect grammar and pigeon english in attempt to sound even...dutcher.
  4. Yay for signing aluko! Boo for playing him on the wing, he needs to be played amc running in behind the strikers
  5. i agree that the video is shite, but i quite like the song, specifically the first half.
  6. short circuit....what a great film! Sadly, it is 99.9% certain that the remake will be utterly terrible, and embarrassing to watch,
  7. 30 seconds of each song...RIFFS!! YouTube - Death Magnetic 30 Second Samples (All 10 Tracks)
  8. to the bloke who said hetfield if a lousy singer You have to be kidding? His vocals have always been great, excpet for maybe kill em all. Infact, his best vocals are pobably on the loads and s&m BBC - Reading and Leeds Festivals 2008 - Metallica highlights of their reading set. leeds wasn't filmed.
  9. Okay. I am just back from leeds. First, the gig, second, the new single. Gig - Return to form. Saw them in 2003, very much better than then. They have stepped up a gear. Tight, lars very very good on drums, double kick in RTL was exellent. James' voice tip-top...perhaps almost at the same peak it was during s&m period. Setlist very pleasing. Single - very good live. Not too sure about the end..it may grow on me. The first half is very load - and for me that is absolutely fine. Load and reload are superb albums, and arguably some of their best songwriting features on them. Song is a mix of load and justice styles if you had to compare it to previous stuff.
  10. fairly amusing...doesn't change the fact that the Het is the man though.
  11. If you go to metallica.com now and click on 'a little taste of death' you can listen to a clip from a song on the new album. Riffage!
  12. Guys, Biffy have not sold out. If I had been playing the best and most inovative music in the uk for years, playing a shitload of gigs, whilst shite like the fratellis, view etc etc play massive gigs despite being shit and then they get the opportunity to record with gggarth and get signed to a major label and then play venues like the secc...would i say 'no thanks' ? Hell no. Besides, despite the fact that Puzzle is not as experimental as previous albums, and is far more commercial, it still kicks arse. So..yeah. Mon the biffy!
  13. My opinion is: They have always been great, and load and reload don't deserve the criticism they get: both are fantasic hard rock albums, extremely well written songs, so what if they aren't thrash... St Anger is a very poor Metallica album, but a pretty good non-metallica album, if you see what i mean. Personally think that frantic is good live, but I'm not too fussed that they don't play st anger stuff live anymore Having watched many videos of their 2007 and 2008 tours i think they are back on form. Rock am ring was expecially good. Hetfields voice is back to standard, and lars is playing well. The setlists have been fantastic, with songs like damge inc mixed with newer stuff like king nothing. Have watched the cyanide video and i think its good. The drums are too loud, and hetfields guitar is too quiet. But its good, and lars plays well, with some double kickage.Looking forward to hearing the studio versions and leeds festival
  14. we enjoyed, muchos cheers to fudge for having us secta rouge and treehorn were excellent
  15. i listened to the intro...and i get the image of sweaty fat geeks playing world of war craft...
  16. 8pm @ Snafu this coming Monday. Free entry with passes, which you can get from any iname members Secta Rouge are seemingly the muts nuts. Anyone going to come along?
  17. they did a couple of patronising pieces on the bands playing the relentless tent, and a few other more rocky bands lower down the general bill.
  18. great gig caught the end of red mongoose: crazy but pretty good scream, shout say nothing - really good, nice blokes too tempercalm - hada few cool ideas...but got boring. kterwaul - the usual, ie - top quality.
  19. well yes, fair enough. I'm not there because despite a couple of gems, the line-up is pretty poor...but the coverage should still be good quality for us at home who are still interested enough to watch on telly.
  20. is shite. Im getting tired of fat-ass Vic Galloway lying through is teeth about liking all these piss poor bands, or perhaps he has just got very low standards these days. Additionally his co-host, Noel Fielding look-a-like, is an utter idiot. They have no opinion and have nothing put praise for poor performances (eg kate nashs' frankly embarrassing set). The coverage is extremely bias towards the inide/dull side of things - wombats, kt tunstal, fratellis, kaiser chiefs, kooks, enemy, etc etc etc When they do mention 'scary rock music' they generally act relly patronising towards it, in the same way news readers giggle at a cute 'cat stuck up a tree' story at the end of the news. They may show a couple short clips, and thats about it. discuss.
  21. ben_1903


    saw this the other night. cracking film. better than both 28 days/weeks films.
  22. utter garbage. the idea had so much potential...and they went nowhere with it. There was no twist...the thing responsible for the suicides ended up being the second thing suggested, very early into the film. the acting was embarrasing to watch. poo
  23. good fun all round. ewsif were top banter and greater the shadow were the shizney
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