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Everything posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. Aye it was a great show. Although they overdid it wen they got new actors to play the main characters. but the original episodes were fantastic. The one that sticks in my mind most is the one where someone's memory is put onto a tape of The Knack. Everytime I hear My Sharona I'm reminded of that episode.
  2. Manic Street Preachers, SECC this January. Favourite band on absolute peak form. However, it's closesly followed by Public Enemy at the Music Hall 2003, Morrissey in Perth Town Hall last September and Velvet Revolver in Glasgow Academy last August. I daresay NIN this July will be up there too.
  3. I have 5 bits of coursework to do this month, the first of which is to be handed in on the 1st (I hope that's just an April Fool's gag, but I doubt it). I really cannot be arsed doing them, so I've gotten myself an interview with Aberdeen Uni's career's office to get myself a proper job instead. Possibly a bit extreme, but that's how much I hate courseworks.
  4. Actually I was just making a cheap sexist gag. However, I do think that perhaps men would find it harder to admit that they'd tried to kill themselves, for fear of being laughed at and having their pride dented. I know that when that little twerp off Eastenders was in the papers for trying to kill himself I just thought it was pathetic. But then again, I think the same whenever a celebrity "tries to kill themself".
  5. What ones have you heard, and where did you get them? I got those ones off Soulseek a while ago, but it fucks up my computer now. I really hoe there is more on there as good as Oh My God, but I think all the good potential GNR songs are on Velvet Revolver's debut.
  6. Haha! I'm merely playing devil's advocate too. Honestly. To be fair, I would probably pussy out if I was gonna slit my wrists. But then if I was gonna commit suicide, I'd make sure there was no chance of fucking it up in the first place.
  7. http://search.ebay.co.uk/reading-tickets_W0QQfltZ9QQfromZR8QQfsooZ2QQfsopZ3QQsbrsrtZl Pairs of tickets on ebay for in excess of 300 already. There's a shock. Fucking leeches.
  8. The only thing I could do on the trampoline was elbow drops and poses. I always thought I'd whack my head off the side if I tried doing a somersault. But then I was absolutely shite at everything in PE, having no coordination and being an unfit bastard and all that.
  9. And do you care? I was listening to Oh My God constantly today, and it's superb. However, I don't think much of Madagascar, Rhiad And The Bedouins, Silkworms and Chinese Democracy. But then Oh My God is the only one I have in studio form. What do other people think? Is there ANY chance it'll be worth the 10+ years wait? I can;t see it myself.
  10. The amount of Megadrive pads I went through was ridiculous. Someone kept throwing them about the room in a rage... I would say the PS2 controller is definitely the best designed one though. It doesn't dig into your hand like NES ones did, the d-pad doesn't start rubbing the skin off your thumb like the Megadrive one did after a few days of constant playing, and the buttons are all a nice size.
  11. Has anyone else noticed that the main riff on Revolution is a complete rip off of Mountain Song by Jane's Addiction?
  12. I bet his dancing isn't as creative as the stuff me and this twat I was mates with used to do. I miss the days of jumping around to Guerilla Radio like a gorilla.
  13. I just didn't like the 4 little C buttons type thing, and I wasn't a fan of the thumbstick, although I try to use the PS2 thumbstick as little as possible too. I just think Nintendo are obsessed with trying to over-design their joypads with different sized buttons etc, and that's why they end up looking like children's toys.
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