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Everything posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. I'd say AKA The Fox are fairly good, although they remind me of The Clash's "Cut The Crap" a bit too much.
  2. I wrote in about the Towers Of London gig a while back, but I sent it as a letter as opposed to a review. I was gonna send in one about tonight's Manics gig, but someone sent one in about the Cambridge gig, so I doubt they'd print it, even though I'd make a better job than the boring one they sent in.
  3. Don't remember that, but I was addicted to THIS when I was little. The best was licking your finger, sticking it in, and then licking it again. Oooh err, there's enough innuendo there to make Morrissey blush.
  4. Exactly! The first time I kept going over and over the same bit then thought "this is pish" and closed it.
  5. Oh NOW I get it. You're supposed to watch it to the end! Still a bit rubbish though.
  6. I'm sure there was a thread like this not so long ago, and my/the answer hasn't changed: Mike Patton. Although I'm going to suggest James Dean Bradfiled as second best.
  7. Oh my god... that's brilliant. But if it wasn't for the X on his hand, I'd think he was trying to be Michael Jackson or something.
  8. Oh dear, someone appears to have thought I was slagging Contra there, when it was quite clearly meant to be a groan inducing pun.
  9. Hmmm interesting indeed... it sounds like Funeral For A Friend, but on a Spectrum. What branch of emo is that? Spectremo? Emostrad? Emoga? 'ticon Emo? (That's puns on amstrad and amiga in case anyone misses the "subtlety"...) Sticking to topic: Dedalus.
  10. Are any of the members of Contra called Ray, or, even better, Ray T'Popyewliropinyun? Just a thought.
  11. That resembles something I said on holiday with my mates once, although it was slightly less right-wing. I think. They thought it was amusing anyway, which is all that matters in the end.
  12. The Smiths and Mr Bungle wouldn't exist (lyrically anyway) if there wasn't room for humour in music. And that, to me, would be a Very Bad Thing. However, I cannae be arsed with lyrics that try too hard to be funny. As mentioned by someone, they always fail. The dry wit of Morrissey and absurdism of some of Patton's lyrics are great, but most attempts at humour (usually by American bands to be honest) are just terrible. I also cannae be arsed with the attempts at non-lyrical humour by American bands, eg when Kurt Cobain used to act the goat. It wasn't funny, he just looked like he was trying to be funny, and was failing. Most Foo Fighter's videos are examples of that too, although sometimes they can be slightly mirthsome for the first couple of times.
  13. Morrissey - No One Can Hold A Candle To You Guns N' Roses - Sympathy For The Devil Guns N' Roses - Live And Let Die Guns N' Roses - Down On The Farm Velvet Revolver - It's So Easy (ho ho ho) Manic Street Preachers - Suicide Is Painless (Theme From M*A*S*H*) Faith No More - Midnight Cowboy The Clash - Pressure Drop A Perfect Circle - Lovesong
  14. Buy it. It rules the school. Only 13.99 in One Up. Okay, ignore the "only". It's worth it though.
  15. Nope, if it were I wouldn't have put Fantmas in the title
  16. Manic Street Preachers - No Surface All Feeling
  17. Only onto April 20th just now, but so far it's been a shit hot album. Best one yet possibly. The production is as good as Delerium Cordia, which isn't much of a surprise seeing as it was recorded at the same time (I think). Ace packaging too, cos it's in the form of a little calendar. Lovely stuff.
  18. Manic Street Preachers - So Dead hur hur hur...
  19. I taped bits of festivals once, if that counts...
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