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Afro Droid

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Everything posted by Afro Droid

  1. Rounds on the movies (live action and animated), Toys, comics and cartoons. Kicks off 8.30-9pm, 50 prize to the winning team, cinema tix for the runners-up, free to play - get in!
  2. For folks interested - the questions were... Round 1: Terminator 1 1) How many Sarah Connors are killed before the Terminator finds the one he is searching for? 2) Where does Reese find pants to wear? 3) What did the little boy at the restaurant stick in Sarah's pocket as she was trying to serve the table? 4) What year was the Terminator and Kyle from, before they came to 1984? A: 2134 B: 2067 C: 2029 5) What do humans use in the future to detect Terminators? 6) In "The Terminator", why didn't Kyle or the Terminator take any weapons from the future? 7) Who plays Sarah Connor in both films? 8) Name the company that owns Skynet? 9) Who was James Camerons first choice to play the Terminator? A: OJ Simpson B: Arnold Schwarzenegger C: Lance Hendrickson 10) How many lines does The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) have? A: 12 B: 16 C: 22 Round 2: T2: Judgement Day 1) What does Sarah carve into the picnic table in Mexico? 2) In T2, who was responsible for creating Skynet? 3) Which of these phrases is used in both of the movies? A: Hasta La Vista B: Come with me if you want to live C: There is no fate but what we make 4) What two parts of a Terminator are in the locker at Skynet? 5) In "Terminator 2", how many bones are in the human body according to Sarah? A: 215 B: 300 C: 310 6) In "Terminator 2", what model number is the 'good' Terminator? A: 101 B: 1000 C: 220 7) Who plays the young John Connor? 8) What year was Termintor 2 released? 9) How many billion humans were killed in the nuclear assault on Judgement day? A: 25 B: 100 C: 3 10) What certificate was Terminator 2? Round 3: Terminator: Salvation 1) During a mission to rescue prisoners and obtain information at a Skynet facility, John Connor discovers that what model machine is in production, ahead of schedule? 2) How does John Connor survive being stabbed through the heart? 3) Who plays the young Kyle Reese? 4) What branch of the Resistance do Reese and Star identify themselves with? A: Desert Branch B: LA Branch C: California Branch 5) How is Marcus true nature revealed? 6) What is John Connors wifes name? 7) Skynets Hydrobots are based on which animal? 8) Who scored the movie? 9) Helena Bonham Carter delayed filming of the movie by one day why? A: Her boyfriend Tim Burton warned her off starring in the movie B: Due to the death of four of her family members in a minibus accident in South Africa C: Her Equity card had expired 10) True or False: Sam Worthington (Marcus) performed his own stunts? Round 4: Behind The Scenes 1) Robert T1000 Patrick has a musician brother name him and his band 2) Robert Patrick also makes a cameo as the T1000 in which nineties comedy? 3) Michael Biehn (Kyle Reese) also starred in which James Cameron-directed Sci-fi film? Bonus point for the characters name! 4) What was the budget for Terminator 1? A: $1.8 million B: $6.4 million C: $8.6 million 5) Summer Glau from The Sarah Connor Chronicles, also starred in which short-lived sci-fi series? 6) Who directed the third Terminator movie ("Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines"?) 7) Which renowned Special effect company worked on all the Terminator films 8) Terminator Salvation director McG also created which action TV series starring Tiffany Amber Thiesen? 9) A director of photography famously incurred the wrath of Christian Bale while filming Terminator Salvation, his name is? A: Justin Kingsley B: Shane Harlbut C: Conrad Buff 10) True or false: Billy Idol was in line to play the T-1000
  3. They swore blind it was all above board - and they had specifically checked out who the director of T3 was before they came along. Nowt I can do really if folks decide to cheat, other than ban 'em if they get busted. Roll on Transformers!
  4. Indeed! Just to clarify, there'll be no round on T3. Because it's shit.
  5. Anyone getting Matt Fraction's Uncanny X-Men? I'll put money on the next few issues having a certain red-head telepath coming back from the dead. Again. *sigh*
  6. Pish, from what little I caught. Moshulu was full of children.
  7. They were absolute cocks at Moshulu, and took aaaaages to load out, and forgot heir mixing desk. Fools. Paedos.
  8. There's a large 'To Let' sign up outside the shop... Anyone got the scoop?
  9. Kicking off about 8.30-9pm - Fabulous prizes! Rounds on all the films!
  10. ...on Tuesday - any recommendations for things to see and do?
  11. Incidentally - I'm hosting an X-Men-themed pub quiz on Monday in the Bassment...
  12. They've been alright with my copies of Kick Ass, possibly due to the wrath they felt when they fucked up my order for the new X-Force. They're generally very good though, all fine men and women. Got my Kick Ass back issues in Plan 9, I generally use FP for my main standing order and P9/Asylum for older stuff.
  13. Dunno, think Millar and Romita must be good chums - they've done heaps of stuff together. I just don't like his style at all - too scrappy-looking, not enough detail etc. Haven't liked it since his X-Men run about 10 years ago. Can't believe they let him disgrace hallmark issue 300 with his pish... Recently been getting into 'The Unwritten' by Mike Carey (Lucifer), pretty slow but extremely well written and drawn; and anything By Jason Aaron...
  14. I'd rather write comics....
  15. Monday 25th May in The Bassment! 8.30pm! Fabulous prizes! Rounds on the films, comics, all things X!
  16. I watched Free Enterprise last night - a weird little rom-com about Star Trek fans nearing their thirties. Shatner is in it, and is awesome.
  17. There's a documentary of Channel 4 Saturday night about Richey and the new album.
  18. I couldn't disagree more - I thought it was brilliant. OK, the plot wasn't the most complex, but what Star Trek film has a complex plot?!
  19. I thought the last one was a bit disappointing, depressing even. Still an awesome show overall. (Will's mum, incidentally....)
  20. Off to see it in a coupl'a hours, Can't wait - haven't heard a bad word said about it yet....
  21. Agreed. Brilliant. I really rate James MCavoy.
  22. Recommended reading for the *proper* Wolvie origin story,,, Wolverine: Origin (Condensed into the the opening credits of the movie, disappointley) (Andy Kubert & Joe Quesada) "Marvel's best-kept mutant mystery revealed! Before the X-Men, before Weapon X, Wolverine's struggle with his subconscious savagery first flourished in family tragedy. Some of Marvel's most acclaimed creators unite to tell the tale that shaped mutantdom's mightiest misfit. Collecting ORIGIN #1-6." (This is in the Aberdeen Library) Wolverine: Origins (Daniel Way & Various) "Picking up where HOUSE OF M and WOLVERINE: ORIGINS & ENDINGS left off! Armed with the one thing that could kill him, as well as key clues to his very existence, Logan embarks on the first leg of a long and bloody quest for vengeance against those who once enslaved him. No longer feeling the need to play it quiet, Logan's first strike elicits a Condition Critical response from the U.S. government. With no other choice, they drop their bomb and you wont believe who it is! When Logan hits D.C., someones going to be waiting for him. Collecting WOLVERINE: ORIGINS #1-5." I could list heaps more if anyone's interested? (HA!) Wolverine: Enemy of the State (Mark Millar - Wanted, Iron Man, Kick Ass) is awesome too, but not an origins story...
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