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Afro Droid

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Everything posted by Afro Droid

  1. Cheers min. Trip down memory lane...
  2. Is it the Eric Bana Hulk or Ed Norton Hulk?
  3. We'd just been signed - Aberdeen being what it's like, we got worst band about a month afterwards...
  4. And guest-listed! (thanks to Fudge)
  5. Kelebeck Butterfly....Skinny Ally wie a' his feelings. Wonder whatever became of him...?
  6. Don't they realise that climbing Kilimanjaro is a tourist attraction now?! Something like 50, 000 people attempt to climb the mountain every year. Didn't see the show, but getting sick of hearing about it on the radio...
  7. Really? I got a whole crab from there a coupl'a weeks ago for 1.50. And it was delicious.
  8. There's all sorts of super-jazz planned for the DVD release. I imagine there'll be a director's cut that'll clock in at about 5 hours (it has the pirate comic animie piece cut into the film). Also talk of a theatrical re-release of the full version of the film. Which is good, because they cut so much good shit out towards the end. Hopefully we'll get the proper ending from the book too....
  9. Why run offstage? I've spewed numerous times onstage. Adds to the show!
  10. Should be good - space battles look awesome. I just hope they're not gonna take the piss...
  11. That was the best part of the film IMO, Doc Manhattan shaking hands with JFK etc...
  12. Sadly wearing pants when he's 100 feet tall. The super-powered 4-way was good though, glad they kept that in...
  13. Agreed. The first half-two thirds were amazing, truely what I'd hoped for, then it went tits up over the course of about 15 mintues when they stopped using the dialogue from the comic and changed the plot (my missus actually leaned over in the cinema and said: "how has it gone shit so quickly?). Changing the ending was pointless - I was well looking forward to seeing the alien squid attack! The new ending lacked the impact of the ending from the book, it was like nothing major had happened - the comic shows the total devastation, bodies in the street ect, all the film had was a smallish blue explosion. No back-story for Ozymandias, so no one gave a shit about his motivations, no death of Hollis, trucated version of Rorschach's back-story - all added to my feeling that the movie lacked something the book has: incredible depth. On the upside - it looked awesome, good cast, and Rorschach was as badass as I'd hoped. Doc Manhattan was ace, Silk Spetre was hot, the action (albeit shoe-horned in) was excellent. I'll go see it again, but I tending to agree with Terry Gilliam - it's impossible to really the capture the back on the big screen...
  14. Heh, me too - I'll be the one in the Rorschach t-shirt (yes, really...)
  15. Aye on Wednesday he tellling some young lass he wanted to spunk on her braces....
  16. I can forgive that...
  17. Ticket price? Supports? (How's about Switchblades acoustic?)
  18. Anyone seen it yet? Good? (No spoilers please) Going to see it tommorow, can't wait - there are so many things that could go wrong with this film but everything I've seen/read about it is positive, other than the whopping 3hr running time.
  19. Saw Aaron during the week - pished and looking like a member of Cyprus Hill...
  20. Going to see Watchmen tommorow - frickin' ace. Been waiting about 10 years for this movie.... Gigs in April to look forward too: The Supersuckers and Danko Jones in Glasgow, and supporting Tyla at the Moorings with The Switchblades - the first time I've played a gig in about 18 months. Ace. Continuing happiness with my lovely gal in our sweet flat - Good times.
  21. A man who discovers a secret tunnel into John Malkovich's mind. It's good!
  22. Finished season 2 and I still can't see what the point of Little Kimmy's sub-plot is at all, other than to distract Bauer (and me) from the main storyline. Other than that, season 2 was pretty good, not as great as season 1 like. Starting season 3 tonight...
  23. Shut your faces. See No Evil Hear No Evil is ace.
  24. MODOK says: "Come see Ascension, I'm you like power metal. If not - Die puny human!"
  25. What kinda prices are up for grabs? We won the old Bassment pub quiz that used to be a Sunday night with the team name "Feel the Heat from Her Genitals, that's how you tell She's a Champion"; won it about 4 weeks in a row actually, then they stopped it. Bring back the Fudge Quiz! "Would you like a point?"
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