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April Ethereal

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Everything posted by April Ethereal

  1. You evidently didnt plan ahead in the event of a thread of this nature. Your answer could've been a Greek sea. Thats a oppourtunity you'll never get again.
  2. I'm hoping the rest of the paper from that tree was used on them in a bizarre paper cutting torture. Well, not all of them. Dan is pretty sound but Bob & Milner......I'm not even going to start.
  3. I know. With your stunning regularity, I would have thought you would encountered some pretty fucked up places to deposit upon.
  4. I must really start watchin this program. Lesbians and comical car crashes! Its like the best TV ever!
  5. HOW COULD YOU FORGET IT? If I was to take a dump outside McDonalds, theres a good chance it would stay with me forever.
  6. Good God! Some people just have no morals, do they? That is actually quite disgusting.
  7. They're as fragile as fuck. Thats why they're protected with the plastic body. Get dust on the actual disc itself and its fucked because even dust will scratch the hell out of it.
  8. I really have to start exploiting the two cats I have.
  9. It might have been a faulty recording. The cd could have been dirty when you recorded it. I know its a hassle but re-record the album and give the cd a good clean before doing so.
  10. Bet the tree doesn't think so. Its probably thinking that its the worst tattoo ever.
  11. I was at a party with my ex girlfriend and thats where we were sleeping. or supposed to be.
  12. Dont see the big deal in where you take a shit. Everyone talks about their own throne. Fuck that. Sometimes, you just have to make do with a makeshift throne.
  13. Mr. Mo was a smart guy. Managed to swindle thousands out of Westhill Academy by writing the worksheets himself then copyrighting them and selling them to school. Thats what you call forward thinking.
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