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Everything posted by N.M

  1. Tis true. Also one of the main reasons I wanted to ditch my Mini-disc player. The whole converting and transfering process took far too long when it came down to it. I just recieved a 40 Gb iPod, and so far I have no complaints about the machine itself. The headphones supplied are pretty pish though, but I expected that anyway. Hum.
  2. * ponders * My Minds Weapon So Solid Crew Wham! Yeah, pretty shit list, but hell, it's christmas.
  3. Come on, someone must want a go at this.
  4. That made me laugh. And I also just realised that he now narrates Little Britain. Hum.
  5. Due to the death of my last band, I'm looking to form a Noisecore band. Already got a bassist and vocalist lined up, and we are looking for a drummer, preferably highly influenced in Noisecore. Our combined influences include the likes of: Botch Cult Of Luna Daughters Dillinger Escape Plan Neurosis Norma Jean PsyOpus Red Chord Sawtooth Grin Slayer If this sounds up your street, PM me ASAP. Failing that reply to the thread.
  6. Oh my. Seems it may have been a good thing I forgot about that then. Oh my.
  7. Ah shit. Gotta find somewhere new already.
  8. N.M

    Moorings gig!

    Ah nuts, I forgot all about this gig. Would have went along as well. In the immortal words of Unlucky Alf of Fast Show fame, "Bugger!"
  9. Oh, and eBay presents are l33t!!1!
  10. N.M

    Drummer Needed!!

    Wonder why... * ponders * ...
  11. Congratulations' date=' you've just made a thing known as an assumption. Just because the songs written for Evac had a deffinate grind element to it does not mean to say that we had all been listening to the stuff solely. In fact, When I wrote most of the guitar stuff, I had been heavily listening to noisecore for most of the time. * reads post * Why the fuck am I replying to that!? Oh, and one last point, Evac have split, so it's no longer the "evacuating heaven boys" as you put it. This entire post of useless nonsense was brought to you by Neale's Just-Woke-Up posting. Just-Woke-Up posting, guaranteeing a pointless response every single morning
  12. Personally, I saw them as the absolute diluted form of metalcore, which is possibly a sign of the craze to come. * imagines the effects of a metalcore craze and the effects upon the image of the genre * Not good, not good at all.
  13. Hhhmmm... 1)Get a new band prepared for gigging as quick as possible. 2)Record a demo. 3)Play as many gigs as possible. 4)Try and get as many support slots for touring bands as possible. 5)Play an out of town show. 6)Go to see more of my favourite bands if they are on tour. 7)Get a decent Guitar setup, and possibly take up bass. 8)Learn how to use alot more of Fruity loops functions. 9)Get some form of income. Not going to even bother with the typical relationship aims because that's being far too optimistic. Herumph.
  14. She was that... [sAD]If I remember correctly' date=' wasn't Meril one of the 2nd generation pokemon?[/sAD']
  15. Ah, that sucks. I just reminded myself about Pantera on Tuesday, instantly picking up the old 'tar to play Regular People. What a waste of talent. RIP
  16. My fingers weren't doing anything that talented. Anyway, don't celebrate yet. My next attack is with strange time sigs. Muhahaha!!!
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