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Everything posted by Rachie

  1. Sell out to a bunch of 12 year old girls hoping for a sound identical to busted Charlie's the one with the big eyebrows right? What's their sound like Ross?
  2. I'll hopefully make that one. I give you permission to drag me out of my flat kicking and screaming if I don't.
  3. I wanted "blue" haired sky, but the pictures of her on the net seem to be limited... I prolly wasn't looking hard enough, but it was more of a rush to make sure I got dibs on her.
  4. Ar! Looking good I don't think Sky is quite eye-patch worthy... a pair of devil horns on the other hand... or a viking hat... hmm
  5. Black Atom, since I haven't been able to stop listening to their album since it was released. PoO did Aberdeen proud at the SugarCult gig too I must say.
  6. MSN hasn't had a fit on me for a whiley now. My internet connection... well that's another story. I spent 6 hours cursing and swearing at my computer on Saturday because it had stopped working for no apparent reason. Then came home after work and haven't signed off the net since!
  7. I really really really really need to see it, but haven't yet
  8. Rachie


    I wonder what did happen to Casserole (looking back on discussion from may)
  9. Sky Mangel is mine. Muahaha.
  10. I know. I tried to work out some of the technique in One, then just kinda sat there gobsmacked thinking "Ok... I didn't even know that was possible on a 'cello!"
  11. This may be a silly question, but why all the Heartbeat cast avatars...?
  12. Their version of Nothing Else Matters nearly made me cry when I first heard it (in a good way.) And what I wouldn't give to be able to play the solo in their cover of One...Christ.
  13. Then you've got apocalyptica's version, but that's really in a class of its own tbh.
  14. For the 700th time today already Happy Birthday you!
  15. Rachie

    web help

    It's easy enough to get Dreamweaver off the net. Is gut.
  16. I'm like that too I'd go with you but I'll be working. Damn Saturday nights in the cold
  17. At least there was no thong involved this time...
  18. To be honest I don't particularly either of the 2 candidates, but I do see your point, maybe it would be better in the long run for him to win...
  19. I heard a tiny rumble an hour ago, but nothing of consequence. It was fucking pissing it down on Union st though. I got soggy
  20. Are we to be handing flyers out for this on Friday/Sat? Ar. I shall be there. Try stopping me. Muahaha. Hallowe'en = <3 My favourite time of year!
  21. I'm thinking Dominatrix this year... I just need to find a really good corset...
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