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Everything posted by Rachie

  1. BWAHA! That actually made me El Oh El. Oh dear. Poor Michael.
  2. HAHA! Keisher you idiot! You gave the score away!
  3. I was sitting there thinking "I recognise that name..." After clicking the link I'm reminded of my days when I spent hours watching Get Your Own Back religiously. I wanted to be on that show. It looked fun.
  4. We did wonder where the hell you'd disappeared to.
  5. bwahaha. I'm not too lazy to be dying my hair again tho. Damn roots.
  6. This has prolly been posted here before, but I haven't seen it... and it's been a source of amusement for me this afternoon: *click* My best sofar is 321.5
  7. I'm still in my PJs. I'm a lazy shit.
  8. Bear in mind that "great music scene" does not necessarily mean the home of bands who have already sold out to major labels, that defeats the point of "local music scene". Aberdeen does have a great music scene, I've got friends from out of town who say they'd give anything for their local scene to be as good as Aberdeen's.
  9. Like a tabloid newpaper, the Cloud report gets his information wrong again. The white item in question is not a hat, it is in fact, the container for the Grilled Chicken flatbread Cloud consumed last night.
  10. Pardon me? Did I miss something? I only date men taller than myself who don't dress up in pink ponchos. I wonder whose wedding it was...
  11. I tend to be the one making the noise tbh.
  12. My mind fell in the gutter a few years back. I was too lazy to retrieve it.
  13. Was cloud also responsible for the leather trews?
  14. I think Sky's look of horror is due to the fact Harold is running up such a huge phone bill.
  15. What exactly does he suck Brian?
  16. Info for report: Cloud was subjected to a man outside the window of mcdonald's flashing his cock around this evening. His response to this was: "I'm lovin' it" Cloud later commented that there were "too many fucking asians" in mcdonald's, he claimed to be saying too many underagers, but we know otherwise... muahaha. Towards the end of the long night of walking around cold cold night Cloud disappeared with one Lester Burnham. It is hypothesised that he was boning said Lester Burnham in a bush. And allowing her to touch the soft skin, of his firm buttocks. Cloud is currently holding "certain flyers" to ransom.
  17. At precisely 19.30 Cloud went for a shower. I know this because he told me on msn that he had to go - he needed a shower. I suspect however that he has gone for a wank.
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